Alex Murdaugh lawyer calls trial a ‘miscarriage’ of justice
A lawyer for convicted murderer Alex Murdaugh said he was “shocked” when the jury returned a guilty verdict so quickly, and called the end result...
Chechen warlord Ramzan Kadyrov seriously ill — feared poisoned
The warlord leader of Chechnya, one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s main cronies, is reportedly gravely ill with kidney problems, sparking fears that he was...
Jair Bolsonaro teases run for president of Brazil at CPAC
Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro teased a possible third campaign for his country’s top job in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on...
Ukrainians flee Bakhmut as Russian forces move to take city
Ukrainian troops and civilians on Saturday fled the “hell on earth” that Bakhmut has become as Russian forces inched closer to taking the battered eastern...
Trump to attack ‘Bush Republicans’ in CPAC speech
Former President Trump plans to attack Bush-era Republicans in his remarks to the Conservative Political Action Conference Saturday and urge those in attendance to finish...
Private plane passenger dies after severe turbulence: NTSB
A passenger onboard a private plane was killed Friday when the aircraft hit severe turbulence. The National Transportation Safety Board said it was investigating the...
Train boss tells crew to skip inspections, limit reports
A leaked recording of a manager at one of the nation’s largest rail companies, reveals them telling workers to skip inspections and not report cars...
Buster Murdaugh got ‘very drunk’ with Alex after Maggie, Paul murdered: source
Buster Murdaugh, the sole surviving son of Alex Murdaugh, who was sentenced to life in prison Friday for murdering his wife and son, was calm...
Blizzard traps Californians in mountain homes for a week
Residents in the mountains east of Los Angeles were growing increasingly desperate Saturday and begging for help as they remained trapped by record snowfall. Up...
Police boss James Vafeades sent cardboard penis to underling: suit
A Long Island police commissioner sent an underling a cardboard penis, then denied him a promotion, as revenge for the cop reporting the superior’s side hustle...