Woman’s large breasts were ‘crushing’ her body and soul

For this extremely endowed diva, it was surgery or bust

A Gen Z’er plagued with size 34KK breasts, enormous mounds that were severely “crushing” her body and soul, shelled out more than $9,000 to have her massive mammaries minimized.  

“Having big breasts was a daily struggle, there wasn’t one moment of relief,” Kaeleen Stammers, 24, from London, said. “My tight bras would dig into my shoulders, rib cage and sides —sometimes cutting my skin and always marking it terribly.

“I had to sleep with two sports bras just to be semi-comfortable,” Stammers, a content creator and model, lamented, “but I [was] always under the crushing weight of my breasts.”

In addition to the physical burden of her bountiful bosom, the runway walker said her large chest also saddled her with the weight of undesired attention from others. 

“Before the surgery, men would stare all day, every day, and on occasion tut because they thought I had gotten ridiculous implants,” she complained to NeedToKnow.Online. “Women also gave me dirty looks and clutched their partner’s hand and searched their eyes to make sure they weren’t looking at me.”

Prior to undergoing breast reduction surgery, Stammers claimed she was forced to wear bras that imprinted on her skin and made her torturously uncomfortable.
Prior to undergoing breast reduction surgery, Stammers claimed she was forced to wear bras that imprinted on her skin and made her torturously uncomfortable.
Jam Press Vid/@kaeemae

Stammers admitted that her large chest would often garner unwanted attention from lecherous men and disapproving women.
Stammers admitted that her large chest would often garner unwanted attention from lecherous men and disapproving women.
Jam Press Vid/@kaeemae


Gen Z Kaeleen Stammers said her size 34KK breasts were "crushing" her body and spirit.
Kaeleen Stammers said her size 34KK breasts were “crushing” her body and spirit.
Jam Press/@kaeemae


Unable to aptly cover her endowment with loose-fitting clothes, Stammers ultimately decided to undergo surgery.
Unable to aptly cover her endowment with loose-fitting clothes, Stammers ultimately decided to undergo surgery.
Jam Press Vid/@kaeemae

An ashamed Stammers would often attempt to mask her voluptuousness in effort to avoid the undue scrutiny. 

“I started wearing baggy clothes so I wouldn’t make them feel insecure or welcome a male gaze,” she confessed. 

However, by June 2022, Stammers resolved to undergo breast reduction surgery in the hopes of leading life more comfortably. But when the UK’s National Health Service, or NHS, refused to pay for the procedure, owing to her BMI, she opted to cover its more than $9,450 cost out of pocket. 

“Doctors removed [5.7 pounds] of breast tissue and fat,” Stammers rejoiced.

Cosmetic surgeon Lyndsey Highton managed to reduce her breasts from a gargantuan 34KK to a 34F. 

Stammers had to pay more than $9,000 for her much-needed reduction because the UK's National Health Service refused to pay for it.
Stammers had to pay more than $9,000 for her much-needed reduction because the UK’s National Health Service refused to pay for it.
Jam Press/@kaeemae

And although Stammers was immediately relieved to have her breasts reduced, she said the surgery came with physically and emotionally painful side effects.
And although Stammers was immediately relieved to have her breasts reduced, she said the surgery came with physically and emotionally painful side effects.
Jam Press/@kaeemae


“It wasn’t until afterwards that I realized I was able to breathe properly and expand my lungs for what felt like the first time ever,” said Stammers. “My doctor did a fantastic job, and the hospital staff and aftercare was fantastic.”

The boons of the operation notwithstanding, Stammers admitted that her post-op road to recovery came with a few bumps

“My experience was absolutely wonderful but very emotional,” she conceded. “I remember being so terrified that I would open my wounds, and feeling so weak I didn’t believe I could leave the hospital the next day but the staff looked after me until I was released.”

Stammers received support from the hospital staff, family and friends as she recovered from the operation.
Stammers received support from the hospital staff, family and friends as she recovered from the operation.
Jam Press/@kaeemae

While convalescing, an otherwise independent Stammers was forced to rely on her parents and best friend for help carrying out everyday tasks

“The first weeks were very, very painful and I had to understand how morphine worked, as well as figure out what dosage was right for me,” she said. “It was also frustrating not being able to do anything for myself.

“My dad waited on me hand and foot,” Stammers continued, “bringing me meals that my mum cooked, adjusting my pillows and watching over me. He barely slept.”

But now, in the seven months since her surgery, Stammers has made a full recovery and is optimistic about the future

In the months since her surgery, Stammers has enjoyed wearing clothes that fully express her personality, rather than outfits that hide her figure.
In the months since her surgery, Stammers has enjoyed wearing clothes that fully express her personality, rather than outfits that hide her figure.
Jam Press/@kaeemae

“Before the surgery, I would dread any social events, especially during summer because I would be swelteringly hot, my inner arms getting shredded by my side boob and scratchy bra,” she said. 

“Now I feel completely and entirely free to express myself through fashion each day, I’m always excited to try new clothing and see how it falls on my new figure.”

“I can also walk down the street without people staring.” 

And thanks to her lessened load, Stammers has, too, been able to adopt a healthy workout regimen. 

Stammers is now able to enjoy certain physical activities that her large breast previously prohibited her from doing.
Stammers is now able to enjoy certain physical activities that her large breast previously prohibited her from doing.
Jam Press/@kaeemae

She urges other women with uncomfortably large boobs to consider cosmetic surgery, too.
She urges other women with uncomfortably large boobs to consider cosmetic surgery, too.
Jam Press/@kaeemae


“I’m also free to exercise at long last, so I’ve been heavily into Pilates and yoga [for the past few months],” she gushed, “I feel like I have a new lease on life and don’t have to second-guess my hopes, dreams, desires and capability of doing mundane things.”

And Stammers, who recently debuted her eye-popping transformation on TikTok, encouraged any other busty belles considering going under the knife to go for it. 

“Don’t wait too long!,” she urged, adding that she’s connected with women in breast reduction communities on Facebook who’ve provided her with a virtual support system. “It will be the best decision you have ever made.”

“Your body will look, feel and change drastically after the operation,” Stammers warned, “but go with the flow and the process!”