Woman sat next to 50-pound dog, vaping woman on Delta flight

Talk about a ruff ride.

Man’s best friend ended up being one woman’s worst nightmare on a Delta Airlines flight on Monday, during which the 50-pound pooch “blemished” her belongings while its owner illegally puffed an e-cigarette.

“So … I’m next to a [white] girl who just asked if I would give up my seat for her pit bull. When I got to my seat, she had the pitbull in my seat,” barked a Twitter user known as @Just_Juanie, 28, from Los Angeles, in a trending series of tweets.

“Now she’s acting like I’m unreasonable,” Juanie continued. “All for emotional support animals.”

In the viral venting thread, which has fetched over 4.7 million Twitter views, TV writer Juanie explained that the unnamed pet owner — who sat in the middle seat between her and another female passenger — inconveniently permitted her hulking hound to roam the aircraft throughout their more than 4-hour trip. 

A screenshot from @Just_Juanie's twitter account, featuring the 50-pound pit bull on her Delta Airlines flight.
Twitter user @Just_Juanie claims the woman seated next to her on a Delta Airlines flight smoked an e-cigarette and allowed her 50-pound pit bull to “blemish” her items and take her seat.

“The woman now stands up in her seat and in the aisle seat to get in and out of her row so her dog can walk on the ground since they both can’t walk out of the row normally,” wrote Juanie. “This is crap @Delta.”

Delta Airlines did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment. 

However, per its website, only, “small dogs, cats and household birds can travel in the cabin for a one-way fee, collected at check-in. They must be able to fit in a small, ventilated pet carrier that fits under the seat in front of you.”

The site adds, “Your pet must remain inside the kennel (with door secured) while in a Delta boarding area (during boarding and deplaning), a Delta airport lounge and while on board the aircraft.”

Juanie’s flight mate must have missed the rules.

However, despite her apparent frustration with the four-legged fur ball and his troublesome human, she made it clear that she held the airline responsible for the hellish experience. 

A picture of Twitter user @Just_Juanie, 28, from Los Angeles, California.
On Twitter, Juanie explained that she and another woman seated in her row were regularly disrupted by the pet owner and her doggy.

An image of an airplane flying in the sky.
According to Delta Airlines’ website, small pets are permitted onto the aircraft, but must remain inside their “closed or zipped” carrier for the duration of the flight.
Juan Gonzale/NY Post

A screenshot from @Just_Juanie's twitter account, featuring the 50-pound pit bull on her Delta Airlines flight.
In her Twitter thread, Juanie, revealed that the unnamed woman’s pit bull had “blemished” her bag and left her covered in dog hairs.

“I will continue to reiterate that the dog has been fine and non-problematic,” she tweeted.

“It isn’t the dog’s fault. Genuinely upset that this was allowed by @Delta because as far as I’m concerned it [their] fault,” the peeved passenger woofed. “Me and the woman on the aisle now have dog hair on us. It’s just too much.”

A social media representative on Delta’s verified Twitter account publicly contacted Juanie, saying, in part, “I am sorry to hear of this. This is not allowed. Please send me a Private Message using the link provided to continue our conversation.”

But Juanie continued her airing out the airline online, tweeting, “To top it all off, [the pet’s owner] hit her banned vape on the plane,” of the woman’s prohibited puff — which, per the Federal Aviation Administration, or the FAA, is a federal offense. 

An image of a Delta Airlines plane.
On Twitter, an online spokesperson for Delta Airlines contacted Juanie, acknowledging that the pet owner’s conduct was “not allowed” during a flight.
NurPhoto via Getty Images

“@Delta, Where’s my refund,” Juanie asked, “Where are my credits? I need them now!.”

And Twitter supporters howled in agreement. 

“A vape?! She bouta end up on the no-fly list,” penned an infuriated onlooker.  

“Nahhh hitting the vape [with] the dog and y’all right there is crazy. @Delta owed you in a major way,” said another. 

“@Delta please refund her flight cause this is unreasonable smh,” an equally outraged commenter tweeted. 

Unfortunately, Juanie isn’t the only traveler to endure the pangs of a beastly flight. 

Passengers on a United Airlines flight from Tampa, Fla., into New Jersey’s Newark International Airport screeched in panic when a snake was spotted slithering around the plane in October 2022. 

And a California man named Gerald Tautenhahn was in unceremoniously booted off of a United flight from Long Beach, Calif., to Austin, Tex., in December 2019 after he tried sneaking his pet opossum, Zatara, onto the aircraft, freaking out his fellow flyers. 

But Juanie believes her problematic plane mate got away with her objectionable behavior due to white privilege. 

“I could get into an entire thing about how if this had been a Black woman she would have been removed immediately but I won’t,” she tweeted,” because we all know the truth and I’m tired.”

“Bags didn’t make the [connecting flight] yesterday. They arrived today and @delta damaged my hard top,” Juanie said in closing. “There just aren’t words.”