Tragic last moments of unborn girl revealed by heartbroken mother
The ex-wife of a notorious Sydney, Australia crime family member has revealed the heartbreaking way her unborn child died at the hands of her former partner.
Leticia Chalmers and Alameddine crime clan member Ahmed Karim were high school lovers after growing up together, before she became pregnant in April 2021.
News of the baby brought a great joy for both Chalmers and her family, but not for Karim who would later show his true colors in an act that would put him in front of a judge.
“Get f—kin’ rid of it,” he told Chalmers upon finding out, according to court documents, The Daily Telegraph reports.
Two months later the soon-to-be mother – now 21-years-old – decided she was prepared to raise the child on her own but Karim saying that the child would bring a curse on his family.
Text messages between the pair show his callous attitude to the mother of his child.

“I don’t care if it kills you, even if it’s a f—king abortion,” he wrote.
Chalmers remained adamant that she’d keep the baby and married Karim on September 10 that year – under Islamic law – in a bid to please her lover.
But the week that followed was far from a honeymoon, with Karim growing angry amid talks of a gender reveal.
Seven days after their wedding, the family was due to celebrate the baby however plans went sideways when Karim invited his wife over to his house.
Karim left an affectionate kiss on Chalmers’ cheek upon meeting her before the couple erupted into an aggressive conversation.
Overwhelmed, the soon-to-be mum burst into tears as she started to move away from her husband in an attempt to protect the baby from its angry father.
However Karim was too strong and suddenly grabbed Chalmers’ stomach and lifted her, before forcing her to the ground.
The husband then started to kick Chalmers in her stomach using “alternate feet” as he forcefully stepped downwards on her, The Daily Telegraph reported based on agreed fact sheets.
He then shoved his knee into her stomach using “all his weight” to push down on her and the 20-week-old unborn child, before Chalmers lost consciousness.
Shortly after Karim poured water over her head, with the sensation waking Chalmers up – only for her to be repeatedly kicked again.
“I want you and the baby to die,” Karim said.
Chalmers managed to make it outside in a bid to seek help before collapsing. At the same time a neighbor found her, and made a desperate call to emergency services
The mom would later give birth to a stillborn baby girl, with doctors suspecting the death was a result of the placenta separating from the child during the attack, leaving her with not enough oxygen.
Chalmers buried her daughter, Adeya, surrounded by her loved ones, with the family regularly visiting the grave.
Karim was arrested and pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm to the baby and aggravated sexual assault at the NSW District Court this month.
His lawyer Abdul Saddik managed to negotiate a plea deal, with Karim to be sentenced on October 17.
Karim was also found to have committed the offence of choking, with the matter to be taken into account during sentencing as a Form 1 charge. This means it won’t show on his criminal record.
Chalmers hopes that by sharing her daughter’s story, the little girl’s legacy will be remembered.