They tried to conceive for years — turns out they were having sex all wrong
It was a wild mis-conception.
A Chinese couple who tried for years to conceive was flummoxed after discovering that they’d been having sex wrong the whole time, per a resurfaced report making its rounds on digital media.
“Four years of marriage and neither the husband nor wife knew how to get pregnant,” obstetrician Liu Hongmei, who saw the flustered Guizhou Province couple, told the Guiyang Daily News of their nil-conceived attempt, per the Mirror. “Couples so lacking in general knowledge are very rare.”
The married pair, ages 24 and 26, had sought out medical attention after they were unable to get pregnant despite making whoopie on the reg for four years straight.
“The couple were very young — the man 26 and the woman 24,” explained Liu. “They were very healthy, but, despite being married for four years, couldn’t conceive. Their family was giving them a lot of stress because of it.”
The obstetrician realized something was awry after the woman claimed that intercourse was “unusually painful” but she powered through it with the hopes of hitting prenatal pay dirt.
Thinking she had an underlying condition, Liu ran some tests, only for them to reveal something far more shocking: The woman was a “virgin.”
Liu’s “experience” prompted her to inspect the woman’s anus, whereupon she discovered that their inability to conceive was due to the fact that they’d mistakenly been engaging in anal sex for four years.
This boudoir backfire might seem easily avoidable. However, Liu claimed that “it is not uncommon for people to lack or have misconceptions regarding sexual knowledge.”
In order to remedy their sexual illiteracy, the good doctor gave the couple a sex education handbook each as well as guidelines on how to correctly slay it in the sack.
Lo and behold, her carnal curriculum paid dividends.
The wife became pregnant a few months later, after which the couple notified the now-retired clinician by sending her former hospital a live chicken and 100 eggs — since, like the hen, they had finally figured out how to have a good “lay.”