Screaming baby on airplane compared to R2D2, ‘cat in heat’

He must have reached the terrible R2s.

An airplane passenger had the internet in hysterics after comparing the incessant screams of a toddler on board to R2D2 from “Star Wars,” as seen in a TikTok video with over 2.1 million views.

“Can’t make this s–t up, f–kin R2D2 sounding a-s,” reads the caption to the clip, which was uploaded earlier this month by user @bhrino0.

The clip, captioned “Gremlin,” shows the meltdown, which reportedly occurred while the flyer was on a plane sitting at La Guardia airport in Queens, New York.

The video begins with the poster looking incredulously at the camera as an off-screen tyke screams nonstop in a manner that, as the user points out, indeed evokes the blue-and-white helper droid’s squeals from George Lucas’ iconic space opera.

Viewers also got creative taking stabs at describing what the screams sounded like.

“That s–t sounds like a cat in heat bruh,” declared one TikTokker.

“It sounds like that koala who got kicked out of a tree by another koala,” commented one viewer.

An airplane passenger had the internet in hysterics after comparing the incessant screams of a toddler on board to R2D2 from "Star Wars."
An airplane passenger had the internet in hysterics after comparing the incessant screams of a toddler on board to R2D2 from “Star Wars.”

Another compared the noise to Gir, a robot from the cartoon “Invader Zim.”

Either way, commenters sympathized with the uploader’s plight, with one viewer saying they’d be “throwin hands regardless of the age.”

“I think they should have separate planes for [people] with younger kids,” suggested another.

The passenger isn’t the first to complain about a baby throwing an inflight fit.

R2D2, the blue-and-white helper droid from George Lucas' iconic space opera.
R2D2, the blue-and-white helper droid from George Lucas’ iconic space opera.
Rob Latour/Shutterstock

In October, a New Zealand musician elicited pity after describing how a toddler threw a tantrum for the duration of his 29-hour flight to Berlin, Germany.

However, while undoubtedly horrible, many flyers agree that this irritating predicament doesn’t justify perturbed passengers confronting the parents as the meltdowns are out of their control.

Not to mention that babies, even crying ones, are part and parcel of flying the friendly skies.

In April, a passenger was shamed after ironically throwing a tantrum over a tot’s tantrum on a stalled flight to Orlando.