Ron DeSantis looking ‘fit’ for office, but not on Ozempic, thanks to new carb-free diet
Ron DeSantis, who looked fit and much trimmer than last year, has been the subject of rumor mongering about his recent weight loss, some even suggesting — wrongly — that he’s on the trendy new diet drug Ozempic.
In fact, the former athlete and military veteran has been on a health kick since the new year to “get back into the swing of things,” deploying a “good regimen” that reportedly involves no carbs or desserts.

“Sugar is the biggest issue,” he said. “Because if you do sugar your body burns sugar, if you don’t it burns fat. So, if you’re working out and just eating halfway decent, that’s good.”
The Florida governor was recently accused by the Daily Beast of eating a chocolate pudding on a plane with three fingers, suggesting he is some kind of gluttonous monster.
“I don’t remember ever doing that,” he laughed. “Maybe when I was a kid but it’s interesting, there’s a lot of people who when they go at you, sometimes they have really good ammunition, like you’re a crook, you did this, you did that. For me they’re talking about pudding, and I’m like, is that really the best you’ve got? OK, bring it on!”