RFK Jr. insists he supports Jewish people following controversial COVID comments
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. insisted Tuesday he’s a champion of the Jewish people and a bigger supporter of Israel than President Biden — after suggesting COVID-19 ethnically targeted victims but spared Jews.
“I have never uttered a single antisemitic word in my life,” the controversial Democratic presidential candidate said during a meeting with former state Assemblyman Dov Hikind, founder of Americans Against Antisemitism, at his home on Long Island.
After the session, RFK Jr. visited the grave of Rabbi Menache Mendel Schneerson, the spiritual leader of Hasidic Jews, at the Montefiore Cemetery in Queens.
During the meeting, Kennedy, who has been accused of being a conspiracy theorist for panning the efficacy of vaccines, said he was merely explaining a National Institute of Health grant.
He went on to claim that he was a “rock of Gibraltar” for Jews and the Jewish state, following the lead of his uncles, President John F. Kennedy and Sen. Ted Kennedy, his dad, former Attorney General and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, and Presidents Harry Truman and Franklin Roosevelt.

Kennedy blasted progressive Democrats such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who represents parts of Queens and the Bronx, for turning against the Jewish state.
“Progressive Democrats have become outspoken opponents of Israel. That’s the worst outcome of woke culture,” fumed Kennedy.
“The criticism of Israel is a false narrative,” he said. “Israel is a shining star on human rights in the Middle East.”
Kennedy said Palestinians have more freedoms in Israel than anywhere in the Middle East, including in the judicial system.
He went on to rip into Biden for approving the release of $2.7 billion in assets to Iran frozen by sanctions, saying the funds would be used to build nuclear weapons.
“Iran is an existential threat to Israel,” Kennedy said. “Iran is an energy superpower … It only wants nuclear power to build a nuclear weapon.”

Hikind, following the meeting at his Woodmere home, said he and other Jewish activists were impressed by Kennedy’s support for the Jewish people.
“[Robert Kennedy] said the Democrats have gone off the rails on Israel. Robert Kennedy is no antisemite,” he added.