Parents slam Kayla Lemieux Z-cup breasts as ‘attention grab’
Controversial Canadian teacher Kayla Lemieux has dropped the Z-size prosthetic breasts which attracted a wave of attention last year, leaving parents at the school she started at Wednesday confused by her male appearance — which included a stubbly beard.
Parents at the Nora Frances Henderson Secondary School questioned Lemieux’s motives to The Post Wednesday as she began teaching shop classes, following warnings they had been sent about the need to strengthen security at the school due to the teacher’s presence.
“Why is she so quick to drop the big prosthetic breasts, tight clothing and wig?” Michele, 41, who has two kids in the school questioned.
“It’s disingenuous and it’s obvious now it was all an attention grab at the expense of children’s safety.”
The concerned mother added bringing Lemieux to their school district could attract the same protests and bomb threats that plagued the Oakville Trafalgar High School, where Lemieux previously worked.

“I’m not worried about Kayla being a threat to my children, to be honest I’m more worried about Kayla’s safety, but my kids could be in danger if someone attacks her or if there’s a bomb threat and my children are in school,” she said.
Michele also echoed past criticisms that the Z-cup breasts are inappropriate in a school environment and would be a problem regardless of Lemieux’s gender.
Ashley Romanyshyn, 39, said she would pull her 14-year old daughter out of school before letting her attend class with Lemieux.

“My daughter and I discussed that if she was put in Lemieux’s class she was going to call me and I was going to pick her up. I support her entirely,” Romanyshyn said.
“Maybe it was all an attention grab but — she, he, whatever pronoun they go by — got too much negative attention so went back to being a man.”
Ross Clifton, 43, said he’d prefer it if Lemeiux wasn’t a teacher at his daughter’s school, but said he trusted his ninth grader to steer clear of the teacher.
“In the perfect world, this teacher isn’t around my child. But it’s not a perfect world,” he said. “ I will still send my child here because my child’s hardheaded and not easily influenced.

“I worry more about kids that are on the edge, confused and easily impressionable,” he added.
Bill Franklin, 67, who visited the school Wednesday to see the commotion, agreed that the Z-cups were “too much of a distraction for the kids.”
“They’re just getting used to back at school again after 2 years stuck at home during COVID and now this. I don’t think this teacher should be in the profession,” he said. “In my day, this would never have been allowed.”
Lemieux donned a more masculine look with stubble a men’s shirt and sunglasses for her frist day of teacher training at Nora Frances Henderson school on Tuesday, a radical departure from the wig and dress she had previoulsy worn.
In an interview with The Post, Lemieux said she was intersex and adamantly claimed the breasts were not fake — even after being photographed leaving home without them.

“I’m not wearing prosthetic breasts. These are real,” Lemieux told The Post back in February.
A father, who asked to remain anonymous, also said that Lemieux shouldn’t be allowed to teach in the Hamilton-Wentworth school district, where Nora Frances Henderson is located.
“The kids learn from their teachers more than their parents,” he said. “It’s not a good example to set for children.”
Despite assuming a masculine appearance for the start of school, a few weeks previously Lemieux had been spotted in the Toronto area with her prosthetic breasts, blonde wig and a dress.

Principal Tom Fisher had warned parents Lemieux’s new school may attract negative attention, noting new safety measures to protect students and faculty would be put in place.
They included “having students enter and exit the building using assigned doors at entry and dismissal” and “locking exterior doors during school hours, only using the front main doors during school hours,” according to a memo obtained by the Toronto Sun.