Oklahoma man Clinton Collins drives flagpole through victim’s head inside Sonic
An Oklahoma man is lucky to be alive after a convict drove a flagpole — with an American flag attached — through his skull at a fast food restaurant Wednesday, police said.
Clinton Collins allegedly attacked the unidentified victim around 7:30 p.m. at a Sonic in the Tulsa Hills neighborhood in front of multiple witnesses, Tulsa police said.
“That’s what he gets. He deserved it,” Collins allegedly said as he stabbed the man with the makeshift weapon.
According to cops, the pole entered the victim’s head beneath his jaw and exited the other side of his cranium near his right temple.
Collins was immediately taken into custody and charged with maiming, according to cops.
“Like you’d see in a TV show or a horror movie, ran at him and stabbed him through the head,” Officer Danny Bean told 2 News.
“Went through the bottom and out through the other side.”
The American flag was still attached to the pole at the time, the department said in a statement.

Tulsa firefighters had to cut part of the flagpole so the victim could fit inside the ambulance.
Miraculously, he will likely only lose an eye, police said.
Maiming is a felony crime in Oklahoma that carries a punishment of up to life in prison.

Police did not disclose what led to the strange attack inside the fast food chain.
Because he is a member of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, it is unclear whether his case will be handled in tribal court or US District Court.
In 2020, the Supreme Court ruled that Oklahoma prosecutors lack the authority to pursue criminal cases against defendants who are tribal citizens in a large chunk of eastern Oklahoma because it remains an American Indian reservation. That area includes most of Tulsa, the state’s second-largest city.
However, last year, the Supreme Court ruled that Oklahoma can prosecute non-Native Americans for crimes committed on tribal land when the victim is Native American.
With Post wires