NYC’s scorching heat wave could induce bizarre dreams: experts
The end-of-summer heat wave is every New Yorker’s nightmare — and could be causing them, too.
According to experts, extreme heat can disrupt sleep patterns and influence dreams, sometimes resulting in bizarre ones.
While the cause of dreams remains largely a mystery, the general belief is that the shut-eye visions are meant to help the brain “consolidate and analyze memories,” such as particular situations or skills, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
However, emotions and environmental factors can influence the kind of dreams, or nightmares, people have at night — and the city’s summer scorcher, experts say, is the perfect storm for having and remembering outlandish dreams.

“When the weather is hot, it can disrupt our sleeping patterns, making it difficult to fall asleep in the first place — and causes us to wake more often during the REM [rapid eye movement] sleep phase,” Lisa Artis, the deputy CEO of the Sleep Charity, told the Independent.
Our bodies, she continued, are meant to slumber comfortably in about 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 65 degrees Fahrenheit, and anything higher than about 75 degrees Fahrenheit can result in “restlessness.”
“So, it’s no surprise that when we’re experiencing a heat wave with temperatures reaching over 30 degrees Celsius [86 F], it affects our sleep.”

Waking up frequently due to the heat also creates a “higher probability of remembering dreams,” especially ones that are “unusual or vivid,” Martin Seeley, the CEO of MattressNextDay, said.
“So, during a heat wave, the increased frequency of waking up during the night might contribute to a greater recall of strange or funky dreams,” he noted.
Those peculiar visions could also be due to how temperature-induced physiological responses influence brain activity.
“Heat can affect neurotransmitter levels, such as serotonin and dopamine, which play a role in regulating mood and emotions,” Seeley said.
“These alterations in neurotransmitter activity might impact the content and emotional tone of dreams, potentially leading to more surreal or bizarre experiences.”

To curb some of the baffling dreams occurring in the midst of hot weather, stay hydrated and create a cool space to slumber with air conditioning, fans and lightweight bedding.
“Engage in activities that promote relaxation before bed, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation or taking a warm bath,” Seeley advised. “These practices can help calm your mind and promote a more restful sleep.”