No kidding! Goat tries out for K9 police unit in South Dakota
They must be kidding.
South Dakota’s Rapid City Police Department unveiled the newest applicant to its K9 unit on Facebook last week: a pint-sized goat.
The department posted a clip of an officer leading the animal around a parked car in a mock tryout and flashed their comedic chops in the caption.
“Looks like the RCPD K9 Unit was trying out a new recruit this week, and it’s apparent this kid’s kinda stubborn,” cops wrote.
“While we herd his drug-sniffing and bad-guy-chasing abilities weren’t the ‘Greatest of All Time,’ he would totes goat the job if it was only based on being adorable!”
Goats weren’t the only animals that the Rapid City police were considering adding to their recruitment roster.
The K9 unit said on their Facebook page that they were “still working out the logistics of a police feline program.”