NJ Italian restaurant will ban children under the age of 10
Call the babysitter.
A popular Italian restaurant in New Jersey has made the controversial decision to ban children under the age of 10 from dining there.
Nettie’s House of Spaghetti in Tinton Falls announced on social media Thursday that beginning on March 8, they will no longer serve young children.
“We love kids. We really, truly, do. But lately, it’s been extremely challenging to accommodate children at Nettie’s,” the restaurant’s management wrote in a Facebook Post. “Between noise levels, lack of space for high chairs, cleaning up crazy messes, and the liability of kids running around the restaurant, we have decided that it’s time to take control of the situation.”
“We know that this is going to make some of you very upset, especially those of you with very well-behaved kids, but we believe this is the right decision for our business moving forward,” the restaurant said.
Nettie’s, a stylish, retro-themed eatery in Monmouth County opened in 2018 and was named NJ.com’s 28th best Italian restaurant in New Jersey last year. It is one of the most popular Italian restaurants around, according to NJ.com.

The Facebook post about its children-under-10 ban has received over 10,000 likes and has been shared over 2,700 times.
Nettie’s wrote in response to a comment that the children have “become a liability to us.”
“Kids running around the restaurant in circles when we’re trying to carry trays of food and drinks has made doing our jobs extremely difficult,” they said.
Reactions to the announcement have ranged from supportive to disappointed.
“Support you 100%. Good food deserves a good atmosphere,” commented Bob Clinton in response to the reaction.
User Jill Sorrentino-Wilson agreed, writing calling it a “Fantastic idea … having worked in the industry since I was 14, I’ve never seen anything like I have in the recent past. Kids are out of control and most parents are oblivious. The disregard for manners and common decency is unreal.”
“There’s always take out if the kids really want to try it. Not all restaurants are fit for a “family atmosphere,” wrote another.
Others were upset that the restaurant seemed to be taking such drastic measures as banning single-digit kids.
“That is really sad to hear .. I was looking forward to trying out your place but with a well behaved 9 year old I’m not welcome .. sad ..” wrote one user.
“I thought this was an Onion when i first saw it! I have grown kids, they were really well behaved, and nobody likes misbehaved kids (barbarism begins at the home!), especially while dining,” wrote Jeff Tulip, adding “But this might be harsh…”