Nearly 10% of men suffer in silence with curved penises: doctor

Caution: Sharp curves ahead.

Millions of men in the US reportedly suffer from a curved penis, but are too embarrassed to seek help due to societal stigma, a Texas urologist has cautioned.

The scientist dropped the wince-worthy bombshell during a recent appearance on the Peter Attia Drive Podcast.

“This population, I call the population that suffers in silence,” Dr. Mohit Khera of the Baylor College of Medicine told Attia of the affliction, per the Daily Mail. “They never talk about it.”

He was specifically referring to those who suffer from Peyronie’s disease, a “noncancerous condition resulting from fibrous scar tissue that develops on the penis and causes curved, painful erections,” per the Mayo Clinic.

For the uninitiated, “each side of the penis contains a spongelike tube (corpus cavernosum) that contains many tiny blood vessels,” they write.

A man with his hands over his groin.
As many as 10% of men in the US suffer from Peyronie’s disease.
Getty Images/iStockphoto

When one becomes “sexually aroused,” the blood flow to these chambers increases, causing the penis to straighten when stiff.

However, in the case of Peyronie’s disease, the scarred area doesn’t stretch when the penis becomes erect, causing the member to become disfigured and possibly painful, per the site.

Khera estimates that “up to 7% to 9% of men in the US” have this unfortunate curvature of the phallus. However, statistics indicate that this number is only around 1 in 100 as many men refuse to report the condition due to the humiliation factor.

While the causes of PD aren’t completely understood, these winding winkies are generally caused by repeated injury to the member during sex, masturbation, sports or a freak accident.

In some cases, this askew penis develops gradually over time and the disease is more common as people age — with the average age of onset clocking in at 57, per Khera’s website.

Dr. Mohit Khera.
“This population, I call the population that suffers in silence,” said Dr. Mohit Khera of the Baylor College of Medicine in Texas.
Baylor College of Medicine

Either way, this causes the penis to bend up to 180 degrees when erect or flaccid, leading to a host of complications. These include extreme pain, erectile dysfunction and an inability to have intercourse.

Peyronie’s patients can suffer from reduced penis length as well.

An off-kilter willy can cause people to be bent out of shape mentally as they experience stress about their phallic form and function, as well as anxiety over sexual relationships.

“The issue with this is that it has a significant impact on their quality of life,” declared Khera. “Patients who have the disease really suffer from depression. They feel like there is a disfigurement.”

A 2021 study in the “Journal of Men’s Health” found that 27% of Peyronie’s sufferers had clinical depression.

A "sharp curve ahead" road sign.
Unfortunately, many men are unlikely to seek treatment due to the societal stigma of having a curved phallus.

Unfortunately, men are reluctant to seek treatment out of embarrassment. “Studies show that they are very silent and never seek care,” the urologist said.

However, Khera implores men to seek help immediately upon noticing Peyronie’s symptoms to reduce the likelihood of suffering long-term.

Treatment options include surgery to extract the plaque or injections to break it up while patients can also straighten the phallus with traction devices such as RestoreX.

Timing is everything when it comes to aligning one’s manhood as Khera points out that the disease has two phases.

There’s the active phase, which can last for over a year, and occurs when the scar tissue is still forming and the penis is gradually becoming more crooked.

During this oft-painful stage, it’s fruitless to try and fix it as the member will continue to bend and more treatment will be needed in the future.

Meanwhile, the passive phase is when the willy ceases to bend and the pain may disappear entirely. It’s in this window of time that a shlong can be righted.

Khera explains it like this: “There is an active phase for 12 months and in that 12 months it is the 15, 40 and 45 rule.”

“Of all the men, 15% will just get better. Forty percent will stay the same. And 45% of patients will get worse,” he added. “Because of this, you have to tell patients, look I am not going to operate on you because if I operate on you and you are the 45% that gets worse I will have to operate again.”