Mounties suspend search for UFO shot down over Lake Huron
Canadian authorities announced on Thursday that the search for debris from an unknown object shot down over Lake Huron on Sunday will be suspended.
In a statement, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police attributed the halt to poor weather conditions and a slim chance of finding anything in the 23,000-square-foot lake, parts of which can be as deep as 750 feet.
“After conducting an extensive search in the Lake Huron area with the assistance of the Canadian Coast Guard and other domestic and international partners, a decision was reached to suspend the search due to several factors including deteriorating weather and the low probability of recovery,” the RCMP said.
The Mounties added that search and recovery efforts continue in Canada’s Yukon territory for a different object shot down on Saturday despite harsh conditions.
“The conditions are extremely challenging with a very large search area, spanning 3,000 square kilometers [1,158.3 square miles], and consisting of rugged and mountainous terrain with a high level of snowpack and harsh winter conditions,” authorities said.
“This investigation is in its very early stages and will take time,” the statement concludes.

The object shot down over Lake Huron by a US Air Force F-22 fighter jet was the third in as many days to be taken out over North America after an initial shootdown Feb. 10 off Alaska’s coast.
President Biden said Thursday that there is no evidence the trio of unidentified flying objects belonged to China or were surveillance crafts from another country, but also admitted: “We don’t yet know exactly what these three objects were.”
“The intelligence community’s current assessment is that these three objects are most likely balloons tied to private companies, recreational or research institutions, studying weather or conducting other scientific research,” added Biden, 80.
The three shootdowns came after a spy balloon reportedly originating from China’s Hainan Island was allowed to hover over sensitive US military sites and float across the country for days before it was shot down off the South Carolina coast on Feb. 4.

The US military has had far better luck recovering parts of the Chinese spy balloon’s payload, described to have been the size of three school buses, than US and Canadian authorities have had with the three UFOs.
Electronic mechanisms and key sensors — believed to be used for intelligence gathering — have been recovered from the spy balloon downed over the Atlantic Ocean, officials announced Monday.
“Crews have been able to recover significant debris from the site, including all of the priority sensor and electronics pieces identified as well as large sections of the structure,” the US military’s Northern Command said in a statement.