Millennials warning Gen Z not to make same tattoo mistakes

Think before you ink.

A millennial is urging Gen Zers to consider waiting to get body art after sharing her tattoo remorse online.

Leah Beth, who boasts nearly 30,000 followers on TikTok, revealed her regret in a viral clip, which scored more than 888,000 views.

“You know when you’re a teenager and you were like, ‘This is not a phase mom, this is the real me’?” she began. “It was a phase.”

The heavily-tatted content creator — who has inked her arm, stomach and, most recently, leg — admitted she has now changed her mind about her permanent art, adding that she “cringes” at ones that don’t bring her “joy” nor “have meaning.”

“There is really something to be said about brain development and decision-making, ’cause when I tell you, something switched in my little head about one more before my 25th birthday,” Beth said.

“I woke up one day and I was like, ‘What have I done?’ “

Leah Beth in TikTok
In the caption, she recommended a minimum age requirement of 25 to get inked.

Leah Beth in white set in mirror
The heavily tattooed creator shared her “regret” online.

While she wishes someone would have warned her, she realizes she probably wouldn’t have been convinced otherwise at the time.

“I think I was looking for a sense of identity and outward validation from other people,” she revealed, adding that she no longer feels that way.

In fact, she no longer “feels at home” in her skin.

“I just can’t stand to look at them, honestly,” she said.

Now, she’s undergoing the lengthy, painful and tedious process of laser tattoo removal — which will run her more than $5,000 — while warning young adults to stay away from the shops and needles until they’re at least 25.

Leah Beth on TikTok
She’s in the process of removing her ink with laser treatments.

Leah Beth showing off her tattoos on TikTok
“I just can’t stand to look at them, honestly,” she said of her ink.

But she isn’t alone — on TikTok, #tattooregret has racked up 71.6 million views, while users in the comments console her worry.

“I’m a tattoo artist and also wish the minimum age was 25 a lot of the time,” admitted one person.

“For what it’s worth your tattoos seem to be well done and not tacky, and I think you really suit them!” offered up another.

“I wanted tattoos SO BAD at 15-18 y/o and now I’m 24 and so happy I never did it. I am cringing looking at my Inspo tattoos,” revealed someone else.

Leah beth in white set showing off tattoos
In the comments, people shared their relief that they waited to get inked later in life.

Leah Beth getting tattoos lasered off
She said the laser tattoo removal will cost her more than $5,000.

“If it helps I’m 50 and wish I never got mine removed. Thinking of getting new ones…” mused another.

“I waited until I was 30 to start getting tattoos- so relieved! Some of my friends tattoos are ROUGH. I also have $ for quality artists!” commented one person.

The Post has reached out to Beth for comment.