Men who use Viagra are 25% less likely to suffer early death: USC study

Viagra apparently can help men with more than just erectile dysfunction.

A new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that Viagra lowers the risk of heart disease in men by up to 39% — and it even helps reduce the risk of early death.

Researchers from the University of Southern California studied 70,000 adult men with an average age of 52 who’d been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction at some point between 2006 and 2020.

They looked at the participants’ medical records to see who had taken the drug and whether or not they have suffered heart problems during the follow-up period. Factors such as race, height and weight were taken into account when adjusting the findings.

The study found that those who used erectile dysfunction drugs were less likely to suffer from heart issues — and deaths from heart conditions dropped by almost 40%.

Prescription impotence remedy pills
A study found that those who use erectile dysfunction drugs were less likely to suffer from heart issues.
Getty Images

Viagra users were also 17% less likely to suffer heart failure and had a lesser chance (22%) of developing unstable angina, which is when plaque in the coronary artery doesn’t allow oxygen and blood to flow to the heart.

All of those conditions could potentially be fatal if untreated — and could lead to death by heart attack down the line.

Experts believe Viagra increases blood flow to the heart’s arteries and improves the overall oxygen flow throughout the body.

Human heart, illustration.
Experts believe Viagra increases blood flow to the heart’s arteries and improves the overall oxygen flow throughout the body.
Getty Images/Science Photo Libra

Men who used those drugs also had a longer life span on average. Throughout the duration of the study period, their risk of early death dropped by 25%.

“[Use of the drugs] was associated with lower incidence of [heart complications], cardiovascular death, and overall mortality risk compared to non-exposure,” the researchers wrote.

Even though the results of the study show promising things for men’s health, the experts do not recommend taking Viagra if you do not have erectile dysfunction.

A previous study conjectured that those with coronary artery disease may live longer and have a lower risk of experiencing a new heart attack if they are using Viagra. Scientists have also suggested that Viagra use may slash the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by two-thirds.