Massive bear breaks into Colorado home, devours pork chops: video
A bear that let itself into a Colorado home on Wednesday was looking for more than just porridge.
The daring bear grabbed a quick meal before it was caught on video in Steamboat Springs trying to escape from a second-floor window after it accidentally locked itself in the home’s master bedroom.
Neighbor Heidi Hannah caught the intruder on video and called the police for help when she realized the home’s residents were not there.
The large bear made several attempts to drop to the ground, but it was apparently too high up.
It swung itself back into the bedroom, where an officer who responded to the call had opened the door.
The beast went back downstairs, slipped through the first-floor window it originally entered through, then disappeared into the woods.
The homeowner, Ryan MacFarlane, was at work when he learned the bear was in his home, he told Fox31 news.

“He got his nails in there and just ripped that window right open, and got inside and helped himself to my pork chops I had out for dinner that night, got some snacks out of the pantry and knocked over the plants — nothing too crazy,” MacFarlane said.
Luckily, there was not much damage.
“Grateful that he was a respectful house guest,” MacFarlane said.