Man on Orlando flight throws a fit over crying baby
Who’s the real baby here?
Wild footage has captured a passenger on a Southwest Airlines flight to Orlando throwing a tantrum over a crying toddler aboard the stalled flight.
The video shared online Tuesday shows tensions rising on the Florida-bound plane as the flight was stuck in holding in Palm Beach due to bad weather.
Frustrated by the infant, the unnamed passenger begins to sound off at the baby, parents, and Southwest flight attendants trying to diffuse the situation.
“I paid for a ticket to have a f–king comfortable flight,” the man could be heard yelling. “That child has been crying for 40 minutes!”
When the crew asks him to stop yelling, the passenger grows even angrier.
“I’m not screaming. Do you want me to scream? I’ll f–king scream,” he warns. “We are in a f–king tin can with a baby in a goddamn echo chamber and you wanna talk to me about being f–king OK?”
As the man continues his tirade, the passenger next to him tries to get him to calm down as well, with everyone reminding him that he is a grown man yelling about an infant.

“Did that motherf–ker pay extra to yell?” the man replied. “I don’t give a f–k. F–k, lower that baby’s voice. F–k that!”
Throughout the video, the passenger filming it could be seen hilariously laughing at the irony as the man causes a much bigger disruption than the baby.
The clip concludes with the man surrounded by security and police officers at the Orlando Airport, who walk him out as he argues that the parents who failed to keep the infant quiet were at fault.

It remains unclear if the man faced any repercussions from police or the airline over his outburst.
Southwest said in a statement: “We commend our crew for exhibiting outstanding professionalism while handling a challenging situation, and we offer our apologies to the other customers onboard who had to experience such unacceptable behavior.”
Orlando police did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment on the incident.

Many on social media remained divided about who was in the wrong, with some sympathizing with the man while others mocked him for the tantrum.
“Have we tried swaddling this man? He needs some soothing techniques,” one person wrote on TikTok.
Another person wrote: “I’m a parent and I understand his frustration. The overstimulation of having to listen to a child scream and cry would be too much.”