Man accused of raping freshman Shannon Keeler still on run 2 years after charges filed
A former Pennsylvania college ice hockey player accused of raping a student in her dorm room and then sending her a message on Facebook admitting “so I raped you” is still on the run two years after being charged.
Shannon Keeler, 28, was a freshman at Gettysburg College when she was allegedly sexually assaulted after an end-of-semester fraternity party in 2013.
The suspect, Ian Cleary, 30, was eventually charged in June 2021 after Keeler went public in an Associated Press report that looked into why many campus assaults were ignored by local officials.
Authorities had for years declined to press charges, despite Keeler showing investigators the disturbing message she received on Facebook, reading: “So I raped you. I’ll never do it to anyone ever again… I need to hear your voice.”
Now, two years later, the former goalie on the college ice hockey team is still on the lam — and Keeler’s attorneys are demanding answers.
“How is he financially supporting himself? How is he able to travel abroad without detection? Has he assumed a false identity?” asked her lawyer Andrea Levy, legal director of the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, according to CBS.
“Who’s helping him?”
Federal investigators believe Cleary had escaped the country.

“She’s had to push and push and put herself out there … and then he’s just literally gone on with his life. It’s hard to measure that impact on her as a human being, (and on) her family, her partner,” Levy said.
“There’s a cost. There’s a real human cost. It’s someone’s life.”
Cleary eventually graduated from Santa Clara University near his home in California ‘s Silicon Valley and went on to work for Tesla and live in France, according to his website, which directs users to buy his self-published books, short stories and poems.
The site also says he speaks Spanish and is learning French.
US Marshalls said they were actively searching for Clearly and Interpol had asked foreign authorities to detain him if detected.
“We put a lot of work and effort into it,” said Deputy US Marshal Phil Lewis, warrant supervisor for the office in the Middle District of Pennsylvania.

“Any crimes against women and children, we take seriously and we make those types of cases a priority.”
Gettysburg College officials ended their Title IX investigation after Cleary left the school and Adams County District Attorney Brian Sinnett finally filed an arrest warrant in 2021.
He called the two-year search for Cleary “somewhat frustrating,” but said there was now more coordination between campus and local police in the small town best known for President Abe Lincoln’s landmark address.
“I just have to think this person is accessing resources from somewhere,” Sinnett said.
Keeler, who works at a software company and is getting married this fall, said she remains on high alert for an arrest — while still trying to move on from the alleged attack.
“Since then, he has again run away from facing this felony charge,” she said, while she works “to finally close this never-ending, painful chapter of my life.”
With Post wires