John Fetterman checks into hospital for clinical depression
Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) is back in a DC-area hospital, this time to get treatment for clinical depression, his office announced Thursday.
” While John has experienced depression off and on throughout his life, it only became severe in recent weeks,” Fetterman chief of staff Adam Jentleson wrote on Twitter, adding that Capitol attending physician Brian Monahan examined Fetterman on Monday and “recommended inpatient care” on Wednesday.
“After examining John, the doctors at Walter Reed [National Military Medical Center] told us that John is getting the care he needs, and will soon be back to himself,” Jentleson concluded.
Fetterman’s wife, Gisele, posted a separate tweet stating: “After what he’s been through in the past year, there’s probably no one who wanted to talk about his own health less than John. I’m so proud of him for asking for help and getting the care he needs.”
Fetterman, 53, was taken to George Washington University Hospital on Feb. 8 after feeling lightheaded during a Democratic Party retreat. He was released two days later and was back in the Senate on Monday.

The Democrat’s health problems began May 13 of last year, when he suffered a stroke during the closing days of Pennsylvania’s Senate primary campaign. Fetterman, then the commonwealth’s lieutenant governor, was left with hearing and other cognitive issues that dogged him throughout his general election campaign against Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz.
On Feb. 9, the New York Times reported that Fetterman still sometimes struggles to hear people’s voices clearly — a problem that gets noticeably worse when he’s stressed or in an unfamiliar situation and which he has compared to trying to decipher the muffled words of Charlie Brown’s teacher in “Peanuts.”
In a concession to his condition, Fetterman carries a tablet around with him that has closed captioning capabilities so he can read whatever people are saying to him.
A closed captioning monitor has also been installed at his desk in the Senate chamber so he can follow along with proceedings. The device is adjustable in height to accommodate Fetterman whether he needs to sit or stand.
A customized desk at the center dais has also been equipped with the same technology for Fetterman’s use when he presides over Senate proceedings.
If Fetterman’s health problems render him unfit to serve, Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro would need to appoint a replacement.
A special election would then be held next year to select a candidate to finish out the remainder of Fetterman’s term.