I’m a dietitian — this is what to eat and what to avoid while on Ozempic

If you’re on weight loss drugs, you may want to eat up these dietary recommendations. 

Semaglutides, like Ozempic and Wegovy, have reached meteoric levels of popularity due to their effectiveness in helping users lose weight. 

They work by mimicking a hormone made in the intestines, known as glucagon-like peptide 1. Categorized as GLP-1 receptor agonists, the drugs bind to GLP-1 receptors in the body, lowering the user’s blood sugar and suppressing appetite as a result, as explained in an article by dietitian Lisa R. Young for U.S. News & World Report.

Lean proteins can help you with muscle repair and with feeling full. M.studio – stock.adobe.com

The drugs, while helpful for dropping pounds, can also lead to unwanted side effects like bloating, diarrhea, constipation and loss of muscle. 

Young states that eating certain foods and avoiding others can help to minimize some of the uncomfortable gastrointestinal side effects and offset the muscle loss from rapid weight loss. 

Foods to eat on semaglutdides 

Lean protein

Young states that getting enough protein is important for metabolic function and for muscle repair. 

“To prevent the loss of lean muscle that goes along with rapid weight loss, I encourage clients taking these medications to increase their protein intake,” she writes. 

She recommends reaching for lean proteins like chicken, fish, tofu, eggs and legumes or for low-fat dairy products like yogurt and cottage cheese. 

Foods high in fiber 

Fiber helps regulate blood sugar, aids digestion and increases your feeling of fullness, Young explains. 

Fiber can be found in whole grains like oats, quinoa brown rice and beans, and in fruits and vegetables. 

Healthy fats are important for nutrient absorption. Photo Art Lucas – stock.adobe.com

Healthy fat 

Fats also contribute to feelings of fullness and are good for the heart as well as for helping the body absorb nutrients. 

Young says healthy fats can be found in avocados, nuts and olive oil.

Low starch fruits and vegetables are important parts of a healthy diet. Shutterstock / Enlightened Media

Fruits and vegetables 

Fruits and vegetables, particularly ones that are low in starch, are good options when on semaglutide, Young explains.

Fruits like melons, apples, pears and berries and vegetables like broccoli, peppers and cauliflower are high in nutrients and antioxidants and low in calories and carbohydrates.

Balanced meals consist of protein, fat and whole grains. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Balanced meals

Young writes that weight loss drugs suppress appetite, so eating enough food, and particularly foods high in nutritional value, is important for maintaining your overall health. 

Balance is key. Meals should have a mix of protein, fiber and healthy fat. Young states that you can fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables and a quarter of your plate with lean protein and another quarter with whole grains. 

Fried, greasy and spicy foods could exacerbate gastrointestinal distress. Shutterstock

Foods to avoid on semaglutide 

Fried food 

Greasy food and spicy food can make your gastrointestinal side effects worse on semaglutide, Young warns. These foods also aren’t helpful for weight loss. 

Low-nutrient and ultra-processed food 

Young warns that foods low in nutritional value and high in refined sugars, sodium and saturated fats give you empty calories. 

She gave refined sugars, saturated fats, sodium, sugary snacks baked goods, fried food and processed meat as an example. Cookies, muffins, donuts, salami, and bologna were also on her list of no-nos.

Refined carbohydrates are empty calories. watcherfox – stock.adobe.com

Too many carbohydrates

Refined carbs can cause your blood sugar levels to spike. Refined carbs include white bread, sugary cereals, pastries and pasta. Eating too many carbs may give you less room for protein-rich foods. 

She writes that if you’re craving carbs, reach for whole grains instead.

Sugary drinks 

Staying hydrated if important when taking weight loss drugs, but grab water or herbal tea instead of sugary drinks, Young advised. 

Sweet sodas and teas and juices are high in sugar, which is bad for diabetes and acts as empty calories.  

Semaglutide drugs lower your appetite, so it’s important you keep eating enough, and opt for healthy choices. millaf – stock.adobe.com


Alcohol can affect your blood sugar and should be consumed with caution. 

Drinking alcohol can lower your blood sugar levels and so can GLP-1s, with potentially dangerous effects, per an article on the WeightWatchers Clinic website.

Meanwhile, Young writes that moderate consumption of alcohol — one drink a day for women and two drinks for men — might be tolerable for some people.