I was told I’d die unless I lost half my body weight

When Jade Davis reached 378 pounds she knew something had to change.

The UK 24-year-old had spent her entire life battling her weight and was binge eating, but it wasn’t until a doctor told her to “lose weight or die” that she started to take her health seriously — and successfully lost 224 pounds on her own.

“Because of my [Type 2] diabetes the doctor basically said ‘you need to lose weight or you’re going to die,’” Davis recalled to South West News Service. “That was probably the turning point to starting my weight loss.”

The health care service activity coordinator admitted her diagnosis scared her at first, and she was overwhelmed at her bleak future if she didn’t start to make changes.

“I was sick of being in the body that I was in and scared of what the future was going to bring because I was so big,” she said. “The words ‘you will die’ kept me going quite a lot. I’ve had massive encouragement from my family and those online have given me a lot of support.”

Jade Davis lost half her body weight through a calorie deficit and exercise.
Jade Davis lost half her body weight through a calorie deficit and exercise.
Kennedy News Media/NY Post composite

The 24-year-old said she was bullied at school and university because of her weight.
The 24-year-old said she was bullied at school and university because of her weight.
Kennedy News and Media

She said her weight reached an all-time high when she was at university.
Davis also said her weight reached an all-time high when she was at university.
Kennedy News and Media

She says people from her hometown can't believe her amazing transformation.
She said people from her hometown can’t believe her amazing transformation. Davis reached her lowest weight of 166 pounds in Oct. 2022, and said she is now much more comfortable in her own body.
Kennedy News and Media

Davis said she had been picked on for her appearance since she was a child, saying she was always one of the “bigger” girls and was taunted because of it.

“I used to be the one that had a lot of people bully me. Obviously now [that I’ve lost weight] the way I get treated has completely changed — there’s a lot that’s changed just because of my size,” she said. “I was called ‘fatty’ and told ‘you need to lose weight’ and people were taking little digs.

“There used to be girls that would make fun of me just because I was an easy target and there were lads that were saying obviously they would ‘never want to be with me’ or anything like that,” she sadly reflected.

Davis, who documented her journey to health on TikTok, said she was stuck in a cycle of binge eating, and would eat when she felt upset or out of control in a situation — which reached an all time high when she decided to drop out of university and start working in 2018.

She started going to the gym in October 2022.
She started going to the gym in October 2022.
Kennedy News and Media

After losing half her body weight, Davis is more confident then she ever has been before.
After losing half her body weight, Davis is more confident then she ever has been before.
Kennedy News and Media

She recalled going on vacation and having to ask for a seat belt extender, and not being able to fit on rides or physically do anything.

“Not being able to fit on rides was embarrassing. She just said ‘love you can’t come on here, you’re too big’. I was a bit upset and ashamed,” she said. “I couldn’t walk anywhere. I had to stay by the pool and felt very restricted.”

She now enjoys working out.
She now enjoys working out.
Kennedy News and Media

She decided to record her journey to TikTok.
She decided to record her journey to TikTok.
Kennedy News and Media

Once she had main the decision to lose weight in January 2021, Davis began eating fewer calories — and making sure she walked 10,000 steps every day. She signed up to a gym in October and now goes four times a week.

Davis reached her lowest weight of 166 pounds in Oct. 2022, and said she is now much more comfortable in her own body.

“I’ve had people say that I don’t look anything like what I used to and that I look a lot healthier and happier, which is definitely true,” she recounted. “Some people from my hometown don’t recognize me at all and when they realize who I am they’re like ‘you’ve changed a lot!’”

Davis said she started her TikTok to show people it is possible to lose weight naturally, and that the hard work will pay off eventually.

“Don’t go straight into the gym and exercise at the beginning. I think quite a lot of the time you firstly need to get your head around calorie counting because if you do it all together, you’ll find that some people do get overwhelmed and give up,” she advised.

“I’d tell others who want to lose weight to do a lot of research,” she continued. “It took me a lot of time to do it but it’s definitely something to work on because in the end, the end result will be something that you’ll be proud of.”