I can’t fit in the plane aisle — it feels like discrimination

She’s hoping this idea takes off.

A plus-size TikToker is arguing that airlines should make plane aisles wider to accommodate larger passengers, calling the current layout “discrimination.”

The woman, who posts to the platform as Big Curvy Olivia, shared a video this week showing herself struggling to traverse a United Airlines plane, having to turn sideways as she walked past the rows of seats.

“Honestly, it’s discrimination that they can’t build wider aisles in airplanes 2023,” she wrote on the clip, which has landed about 700,000 views.

The Post reached out to the TikToker and United for comment.

Screenshot of larger woman from tiktok video wearing lingerie.
The social media influencer, who posts to TikTok as Big Curvy Olivia, says airlines should change their layouts to accommodate larger passengers.

Her post drew more than 5,000 comments, with users divided over how to handle the situation.

“That’s why I fly business or first class. I’m not as big, but I’m not small. Everyone is happy and I get peace!” one user confessed.

“Look I’m a really big guy and I don’t fit in things either but like I just accommodate and accept that for myself,” another declared.

Larger woman walking through plane seats.
The woman called the narrow plane aisles “discrimination.”

Others slammed the woman for her “audacious” observation.

“Got a problem with it, don’t fly,” one TikToker snarked.

“How is that discrimination?” another wondered.

“Real talk though they should be accommodating for tall people,” a user quipped.

Some users pointed out airlines would lose seat space if they widened aisles.

“Wider aisles mean less seats. And they would be cutting into profits to accommodate the super sized,” one person wrote. “That wouldn’t make sense.”

In April, a plus-size traveler demanded airlines better accommodate larger passengers.

Social media influencer Jae’lynn Chaney created the Change.org petition “Demand for the FAA to Protect Plus-Sized Travelers,” outlining several suggestions to ensure larger passengers can fly without issues.

Chaney claimed she and her fiancé were “subjected to hateful comments, disapproving looks, and even refusal to sit next to them, amounting to discrimination” on a recent flight to Denver.

More than 9,000 people had signed the petition as of Thursday afternoon.