Incurable meat allergy from tick bite ‘turned my life upside down’: NJ man
He became an involuntary vegan. A New Jersey man is now allergic to red meat after getting bitten by an invasive species of tick —...
Millions lack sense of smell or taste after COVID infection
For millions of people, the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over. Roughly one in four people who were sick with COVID-19 during the early days...
I was pronounced dead for three minutes — here’s what I saw
She was dead lucky to survive this medical drama. A Wisconsin woman says she died from heatstroke only to be revived three minutes after her...
Women, teens who take the pill have raised depression risk: study
Women taking oral contraceptive pills may have an increased risk of depression — especially shortly after starting on the pill. That’s one of the findings...
5 smart steps to relieve musculoskeletal pain
About half of all adults in the U.S. experience some degree of musculoskeletal (MSK) pain, which affects the bones, joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons, per...
‘Birthing person’ preferred over ‘Mother’
In a growing number of areas in the US, staff at hospitals and other organizations that cater to new mothers ask that words like “chestfeeding”...
Hailey Bieber says cold plunging helped anxiety, experts weigh in
Hailey Bieber has a new method to help with anxiety: a cold water plunge. The 26-year-old model posted a video to TikTok showing her process...
Eating this way could ‘de-age’ your brain by nearly a year
Eat your way young. People who follow a Mediterranean diet — rich in vegetables, seafood, whole grains and olive oil, and low in processed foods...
FDA approves dementia drug that slows cognitive decline
A Food and Drug Administration panel has unanimously approved the use of lecanemab to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. The expert panel described the...
IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome, may be caused by gravity
Feeling weighed down? A new research paper suggests that gravity may be a leading cause of irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. “As I thought about...