Georgia man Kionta Parks wanted for death of 11-year-old-girl hit by stray bullet while sleeping
An 11-year-old Georgia girl was killed in her sleep Tuesday when she was struck by a stray bullet that flew through her bedroom window.
The shot was fired just outside the young girl’s Spalding Heights apartment in a suspected gang-related feud around 1 a.m., according to the county sheriff’s office.
“One of the rounds that was fired at the intended target missed, travelled through the victim’s bedroom window, and struck her killing her instantly,” Sheriff Darrell Dix said.
Investigators are on the hunt for 22-year-old Kionta Parks, who they believe pulled the trigger.
“All indications are that it was a gang-related shooting and he was shooting at another person who pulled into the parking lot, from about 100 yards away, with a rifle, and was just spraying bullets,” Dix told Fox 5 Atlanta.
Parks, who has an extensive history of violent acts, is considered “armed and dangerous,” Dix said.
“It’s just the way he is. He’s a monster,” the sheriff says.

The alleged gunman has multiple warrants out for his arrest, including felony murder, three counts of aggravated assault, four counts of possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime, cruelty to children, 14 counts of violating the Georgia Criminal Street Gang Act and domestic terrorism.
Several of the charges stem from a Feb. 14 shooting at the same apartment complex cops believe Parks was tied to.
Police are still looking into whether a second shooter was involved in the 11-year-old’s death.
The girl’s name has not been revealed, but Dix confirmed she was originally from Louisiana.
“She was a beautiful young girl, very well liked, very talented, and I think she was very loved by the people that knew her and were around her,” Dix said.
“When you see all that potential wiped away because some idiot decides that he wants to go into an apartment complex and starts randomly firing shots at somebody because of a gang affiliation or how they feel like they were wronged earlier, whether it be a week ago, a year ago or two hours ago, it is just absolutely ridiculous. It’s ridiculous.”
The young girl is the second Georgia child to be killed by gunfire while sleeping in their bedroom in just eight days.
Ten-year-old Damarion Byrd died after multiple gunmen fired shots into his Baldwin County trailer, WSBTV reported.
Multiple arrests have been made in the murder.