Florida woman tries to pass drug test with ‘soda and tap water’
She’d probably flunk an IQ test, too.
A Florida woman tried to pass a court-ordered drug test with a mixture of “soda and tap water,” that she had hidden “inside herself” in a pill bottle, police documents show.
Shannon Hunter, 44, of Plant City, was required last week to submit a urine sample to probation officers after pleading guilty to felony drug charges in January, according to documents obtained by The Smoking Gun.
Hunter, who had admitted to charges of possessing painkillers without a prescription and theft, apparently tried to dupe the officers and pass the drug test.
According to her arrest affidavit, she was busted after she “attempted to use a prescription pill container full of an unknown liquid to pass her urinalysis.”

After she was arrested for failing the urine test, police said she “admitted to hiding the pill container inside of herself.”
While many try to pass urine tests with either synthetic urine or urine from a “clean” individual, Hunter had filled the pill container with a mixture of “soda and tap water,” which would have undoubtedly resulted in a failed sample.
Hunter appeared in court on Feb. 24 and pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor charge of urinalysis fraud, The Smoking Gun reported.
She was sentenced to a maximum of 20 days in the county jail and was ordered to pay fines and court costs totaling $500.
Hunterhas previously been convicted of theft, possession of drug paraphernalia, domestic battery, narcotics possession, and driving without a license, according to the news outlet.