Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis plans to unveil new crackdown against Disney after 11th-hour coup
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis isn’t backing down against Disney.
The Republican on Monday will unveil new measures against the corporate giant after it tried to kneecap his oversight of its self-governance power in the Sunshine State, The Post has learned.
“What they tried to do is an embarrassment,” a senior administration source told The Post. “The narrative the left is spinning is that Gov. DeSantis was outmaneuvered. But this is far from over, and he’s going to have the last laugh.”
DeSantis, 44, is set to announce plans by the state Legislature to void a controversial move by Disney that effectively stripped the governor’s newly installed oversight board of authority, sources said.
Officials called Disney’s tactic an illegal “poison pill” intended to undercut state supervision of its special tax district — and argued that the secret maneuver would be subject to swift legislative reversal.
“They got used to doing whatever they wanted for far too long,” one source said. “Not this time.
“He’s not afraid of a fight on this,” the source added of DeSantis.
The governor, a presumptive 2024 presidential candidate, is seeking to revoke other privileges the House of Mouse has enjoyed since its special tax district was established in 1967, sources said.
The Orlando park’s monorail and transportation systems have long been exempt from external inspections, along with its rides — but new rules could now make Disney subject to those regulations.

DeSantis first clashed with his state’s largest employer last year over its public opposition to a bill that banned instruction related to sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through the third grade.
Asserting that Disney was promoting unwelcome “Burbank” values in Florida while operating with near-total autonomy thanks to its special tax district, DeSantis mobilized against the 42-square-mile juggernaut.
Casting them as a corporate rubber stamp, DeSantis in February sacked the five members of Disney’s self-governing Reedy Creek Improvement District and replaced them with his own “Central Florida Tourism Oversight District.”

The move highlighted his willingness to tangle with influential corporate foes — and to wield state power in bringing them to heel.
But just before leaving, members of the previous Disney-controlled board passed covenants that transferred developmental power to the company and left the new body largely toothless.
The arrangement also blocked the district from using the name “Disney” or the likenesses of its famed characters without company permission.
DeSantis’ critics — including former President Donald Trump — relished Disney’s apparent outflanking of their foe at the final hour.

But senior DeSantis administration officials say the company intentionally limited legally required public notices of the new agreement to shield it from scrutiny and ease its passage.
“The Florida Legislature and Governor DeSantis worked to put Disney on an even playing field,” said communications chief Taryn Fenske. “Disney got caught red-handed attempting to undermine Florida’s duly enacted legislation.”
The company has denied that it kept the plan from view, and said the changes complied with Florida’s public meeting laws.

“All agreements signed between Disney and the district were appropriate and were discussed and approved in open, noticed public forums in compliance with Florida’s Government in the Sunshine law,” Disney said in a statement earlier this month.
Disney’s sprawling Florida operation includes four theme parks, two water parks, 25 hotels and about 80,000 employees.