Flight attendant reveals special hotel rooms where cabin crew ‘crash’

A flight attendant has revealed the secret hotel rooms where crew stay overnight – as well as some of the pros and cons of them.

Cierra, who works as a flight attendant for a US airline, has been sharing her top tips and secrets about flying.

Previously revealing how to get first class upgrades and why your phone has to be on airplane mode, she recently revealed where flight crew stay between flights.

They stay at what are called “Crash Pad” hotel rooms – which are like frats for flight crew.

Many of the perks include cheap rent, as well as being near to the airport with free transfers, and the free house cleaning to avoid fighting over keeping the place clean.

While she said it “seems fun” being around other crew, it wasn’t all “glitz and glamour,” and shared the pros and cons of the rooms.

She explained: “A Crash Pad only costs between $200-$400 a month, although that comes with cons – the cheaper the rent, the more people you are probably sharing a place with.”

Cierra shared her tips for being upgraded on flights.
Some of flight attendant perks include cheap rent, as well as being near the airport.
@cierra_mistt TikTok

Don’t expect much luxury – images of the rooms show bunk beds and twin beds, some of which have tent-like covers over them for some privacy.

She explained that as many as 10 people could be sharing a room, with just two bathrooms.

She continued: “Con number two – the amount of alarms you hear going off all at all times of day and night.

“In our industry, not one person will have the same schedule.”

The special hotel rooms where cabin crew stay sometimes have bizarre tent beds.
The special hotel rooms where cabin crew stay sometimes have bizarre tent beds.
@cierra_mistt TikTok

Not only that, but late-night parties are also the norm, due to the differing schedules.

She shared some of her horror stories – including sharing a bathroom with 10 other people, only for nine of them to get food poisoning.

However, she also admitted that while it could be hard going, she had met some “amazing people” and had made connections with other flight crew and pilots she otherwise might not have met.

Flight crew also have secret bedrooms on planes – here is what they are like inside.

Late-night parties are also the norm, due to flight attendants' differing schedules.
Late-night parties are also the norm, due to flight attendants’ differing schedules.
@cierra_mistt TikTok