Flight attendant claims she was chased home by passenger
A tearful flight attendant claims that an unhinged passenger chased her home from the airport — repeatedly trying to cut her off at 80 mph and screaming, “F–k your airline!”
American Airlines crew member Elizabeth Braley recounted the terrifying ordeal in a TikTok video viewed more than 70,000 views since Monday.
“Flight attendants should not have to worry about their life trying to just get home,” she wrote alongside the video filmed in her car just moments after the alleged attack and while she was still in uniform.
Braley said she had just finished an international flight and was listening to music with her window rolled down to “kind of de-stress.”
“This red sedan pulls in front of my Jeep and, like, cut me off like with no notice — like literally was at the front of my car,” she said. “So I got into another lane because like she’s driving crazy.”

Braley said the other driver kept following her into whichever lane she took in an attempt to get away.
“She was like literally trying to like run me off the road and we’re going 80 miles an hour … we’re on the interstate. And I was like, ‘OK, screw this. I’m getting all the way to the right,’” she continued.

The flight attendant said the woman finally pulled up next to her.
“She goes, ‘F— your airline!’ and starts throwing s— out of her car and it’s, like, hitting the side of my car,” Braley said, adding that the crazed woman tried to run her off the road.
Braley said she sympathized with travelers who are upset about flight delays and cancellations. But “I have nothing to do with that. I just work for them,” she said.

Braley noted that “American Airlines is struggling with operations right now.”
“I get frustrated too because we don’t get paid for boarding and we don’t have a contract right now … ours is expired last four years and we are so tired too. Like, really? I just don’t get why people are so cruel sometimes,” she said.
In a follow-up video with her blond hair down, Braley thanked viewers for their support and explained that she posted the video to vent to her fellow crew members.

She also said that when her mother asked her if she got the woman’s plates, “I was like, ‘No, that didn’t cross my mind,” adding that she also didn’t call the cops.
“She was kind of stalking me a little bit and then once I realized, like, what was happening and why she was mad – it was because my windows were down and she saw that I was in uniform and just thought I was a target,” Braley said, adding that she stopped at the side of the road to cry.

On her LinkedIn page, Braley wrote: “The life lessons that have been instilled in me since I was a young girl is to always work hard at everything I do, but most importantly – love other people without limits.”
The former model added: “I love my job so much. See you in the friendly skies.”
American Airlines did not immediately respond to a request for comment by The Post.