Elon Musk bans user promoting pedophilia flag from Twitter
Twitter banned a self-proclaimed “Luciferian” and “Anti-Christ” after the user posted a flag promoting pedophilia.
“Not tolerated on this platform,” Twitter CEO Elon Musk tweeted in response to a user congratulating him for pulling the account, which went by the handle “ZeebDemon,” according to screenshots.
The user, who described themselves as “the transfeminine genderfluid Demon-Divine,” tweeted an image on April 25 of a “youth attracted person” flag they designed that featured V-shaped colored bars.
“I wanted to stray from the oft used horizontal bars motif, but only a little. I wanted to retain some familiarity,” wrote the user, who also referred to “Alice Day,” which is allegedly a holiday on April 25 that emerged from the dark web and celebrates pedophilia.
According to screenshots of the since-deleted Twitter profile, which was adorned with inverted pentagrams, the user identified as “proudly paraphiliac,” “radically queer” and a “Luciferian.”
Luciferianism is reportedly a belief system that believes humans are gods and views Lucifer as a symbol of human enlightenment.
The user also expressed support for Black Lives Matter, the anti-police slogan ACAB and “YouthLib,” an apparent reference to youth liberation, a movement advocating for people under 18 to have adult rights.

Twitter also suspended another anonymous user who posted a photo on April 26 suggesting love can be defined as between an adult and a child, according to the Christian Post.
“Two days late, but happy Alice Day,” the deleted tweet read.
“Mutually wanted relationships are love and valid #AliceDay #BelieveChildren #LoveisValid.”
Following his takeover of the company, Musk claimed Twitter had not been doing enough to prevent child sex exploitation on the platform, and he has made combating it one of his top priorities.
A minor boy and his mother sued Twitter in 2021, alleging that the company benefited from and neglected to remove an exploitative video of him with another minor that was retweeted thousands of times and racked up 67,000 views on the platform.