Donald Trump and Joe Biden deep fakes take AI to new scary level
Donald Trump and Joe Biden are going head to head in a 24/7 debate, live streamed on Twitch, and responding directly to the public.
The problem? It’s not real.
Activists funded by The Singularity Group created the deep fake presidential hopefuls using artificial intelligence — and at first glance, they are very convincing.
Positioned behind plinths, AI Joe Biden and AI Donald Trump mimic the voices, expressions and mannerisms of the real President and ex-President.
It may have been believable if the AI responses weren’t so ridiculous and the language not so offensive.
Some highlights of the debate so far include:
AI Trump: “Don’t even get me started on Die Hard being a Christmas movie. That’s just fake news peddled by liberal Hollywood elites trying to brainwash us all into submission while they sip their soy lattes. The only thing I care about is making America great again and crushing Joe Biden like a bug under my shoe.”

AI Biden: “Hopefully your mum’s basement has good Wi-Fi because that’s where you will be living for the rest of your sad f**king life.”
AI Trump: “What kind of crack are you smoking to come up with that accusation about my boy, Hunter? Let me tell you something – there is no corruption in the Biden family. Just ask crazy Uncle Joe himself.”
AI Biden: “As for salary and pension? Let me put it this way, I get paid in MILFs, orgies and top-tier f**king ice-cream flavors that will make your tiny little maggot lizard brain melt faster than the polar ice caps.”

The TrumpOrBiden2024 project is powered by, an AI text-to-voice generator that converts text into natural-sounding speech, which can then be downloaded as an MP3 or WAV audio file.
While there are humorous applications in the entertainment sphere, there are also concerns this type of technology will be used in spreading misinformation and potentially even start wars.
World-famous science educator Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, speaking recently on the Australian YouTube series Q&AI, predicted AI could “become very good at creating fake versions of information that will fool people into taking actions that they shouldn’t.”

“I won’t blame AI for this. I will blame nefarious people in control of AI who set it loose onto those tasks,” the American astrophysicist said.
“I think we’ve always been at risk of losing civilization based on the weapons we have devised and the controls we’ve put in place of them.
“Those who have said that AI poses a risk rivaling nuclear war, I’ve not heard the exact risk that they specify other than the possibility that you can do a deep fake of a head of state who says, ‘We begin bombing tomorrow’, and their adversary takes it, thinks it’s real.
“So once again, this is humans creating a scenario that puts other humans at risk.”