Dem Rep. Wasserman Schultz equates Bidenomics to ‘hangover’ from Trump’s mishandling of pandemic
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., told CNN on Saturday that President Biden’s negative economic polling was due to a “hangover” from the COVID-19 pandemic.
CNN host Fredricka Whitfield asked Schultz about a CNN poll showing that 51% of Americans believe the economy is getting worse.
“I mean President Biden, like President Obama before him, inherited an absolute mess, coming out of the pandemic, from clearly the disastrous way that former President Trump handled the pandemic, and he was able to not only make sure that millions of jobs were saved, and small businesses were prevented from going under, but now, he’s begun to really get our economy turned around,” Schultz said.
She blamed the polling on a “hangover from the pandemic” and argued the administration is making “a lot of progress.”
“It is pretty clear that although we’re making a lot of progress, the sort of hangover from the pandemic, which was obviously a century, unprecedented situation, that it is still causing melancholy, and also, the impact of those investments is going to take some time to bake in. But that’s our job, to make sure that we communicate,” she continued.
The CNN host also asked about new signage placed next to infrastructure projects by the White House in an effort to give the president “credit.”

“Just like with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, during the Obama years, making sure that the label, the infrastructure investments, and the Wi-Fi investments, and the superfund cleanup, and all of the investments that are being made, the jobs that are being brought back from overseas, the super computers that are going to be built as a result of chips being manufactured here, all of that has to be communicated very visibly, and also comprehensively and eventually you will start to see that baking in,” she said.
A Fox News Poll from late June found that 76% of voters believe the economy is in poor or fair shape.
The survey also found that 68% are dissatisfied with how things are going in the country.
Schultz added that Biden’s numbers were improving overall but said Democrats need to continue to communicate.

The White House and President Biden have pushed “Bidenomics” in recent weeks in an effort to tout his economic policies amid negative polling.
“The economy that grows the economy from the middle out and the bottom up, instead of just the top down — when that happens, everyone does well,” Biden said during a speech in Chicago at the end of June. “This vision is a fundamental break from the economic theory that has failed the middle class for decades now. It’s called trickle-down economics.”
The president’s overall approval rating stood at 41%, according to CNN’s poll. It came in lower, at 37%, when voters assessed his handling of the economy.
The poll was conducted from July 1 through July 31.