Cristiano Ronaldo knocks woman out with ball during warmups
Cristiano Ronaldo might have to register his leg as a deadly weapon.
The Manchester United superstar took an errant penalty kick during warmups for the team’s Champions League matchup against BSC Young Boys of Switzerland, which flew over the crossbar — and struck a female steward directly in the back of the head.
The steward lay on the ground for several moments, and Ronaldo immediately rushed over to assist her.
After remaining on the ground for a few moments, with security staff and Ronaldo perched nearby, she was able to return to her feet.

As a show of good faith, Ronaldo gifted her with a jersey once she had recovered.

Ronaldo took a much more accurate shot during the game, putting United up 1-0 in the 13th minute. However, the Young Boys scored two goals, and the English team dropped their first Champions League game with Ronaldo on the roster.