‘Crazy plane lady’ Tiffany Gomas returns to the skies
The self-described “crazy plane lady” who was kicked off an American Airlines flight last month after a viral meltdown returned to the skies this week — but still won’t reveal what she saw.
Tiffany Gomas, 38, known for her bizarre “that motherf—er is not real” rant, flew from her native Dallas to Los Angeles International Airport Monday where she was greeted by a TMZ paparazzo.
When asked what she apparently saw at the back of the plane to cause the caught-on-camera meltdown, Gomas said she “cannot comment.”
The marketing guru instead said she has been trying to “lay low for the most part,” despite recently launching a website and teasing an upcoming project.
Gomas did, however, promise to eventually explain herself, telling TMZ that an in-depth interview is “going to have to happen.”
“So yes, there will be, there’s something in the works, mostly non-profit charity stuff,” she added, hinting at her new project.

The crazed passenger also insisted she was justified in delaying the July 2 flight for hours.
“I was distressed and I was getting off the plane, no matter what, I just probably didn’t need to make the scene that I made,” she said.
Meanwhile, Gomas confessed she had “a little bit of anxiety” about flying Monday after her epic meltdown, which was sparked by a dispute between her and a relative.

Gomas accused her family member of stealing her AirPods, according to police records reviewed by The Post.
She then proclaimed she was “getting the f—k off” the plane, as she stormed up and down the aisle of the Fort Worth to Orlando flight.
“You can sit on this plane and you can f—ing die with them or not. I’m not going to,” she told fellow passengers as she was yanked off the aircraft.

The combative woman then refused to leave the boarding area, assaulted a bystander in the terminal, swore at police and again insisted that the flight would not make it to Florida, without elaborating on the threat.
Bodycam footage showed that responding officers thought Gomas was drunk or on drugs, but she was never tested for public intoxication and was ultimately only verbally cited for criminal trespassing.
Gomas offered an apology for her behavior without explanation two weeks ago, in a video published first by TMZ — then posted on social media — in which she also promoted her new website.