Christie roasts Trump and DeSantis for throwing ‘teenage food fight’
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Sunday he’s had his fill of fellow GOP presidential foes Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis — saying they’re acting as if they’re in a “teenage food fight.”
The DeSantis campaign shared a controversial video ad Friday that featured beefy bare-chested men in between digs at Trump over his past support for the LGBTQ community, supposedly to reinforce the Florida governor’s image as strong.
The alleged “homophobic” video came a couple weeks after critics say Trump’s campaign hit below the belt when DeSantis was set to attend an event known to serve lamb testicles — and one of the former president’s aides said, “Not surprised Ron DeSantis is looking for a set of balls.”
“It is a teenage food fight between Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump — and I don’t think that’s what leaders should be doing,” Christie told CNN’s “State of the Union.”
“And it certainly doesn’t make me feel inspired as an American on the Fourth of July weekend to have this type of back-and-forth.”
The DeSantis spot, which was shared on Twitter, highlighted Trump’s prior pledge to “do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens” during his 2016 campaign.
At the time, Trump’s remarks were made in the wake of a massacre at Pulse Nightclub, a gay hot spot, in Orlando, Fla., that left 49 dead and dozens more people wounded.
“To wrap up ‘Pride Month,’ let’s hear from the political who did more than any other Republican to celebrate it,” says the DeSantis video knocking Trump.

Meanwhile, DeSantis is portrayed as an antagonist to the LGBTQ agenda, championing anti-transgender bathroom legislation and cracking down on drag shows.
DeSantis took heat for sharing the video, including from the Log Cabin Republicans, which claims to be the largest gay GOP group in the country. The group lambasted him for veering “into homophobic territory.”
“I’m not comfortable with the way both Governor DeSantis and Donald Trump are moving our debate in this country,” Christie said Sunday.
“Their debate is trying to make this country smaller. They’re trying to divide us further,” he said. “I want a country that is going to be bigger and going after the big issues that will make every American feel better about themselves.”
Christie is currently polling in seventh place for the Republican primary, with DeSantis in second and Trump in a commanding first, according to the latest RealClearPolitics aggregate of polls.
The former New Jersey governor has pitched himself to voters as a Trump attack dog.