Chicago man dies from punching window of bar he was tossed from
A Chicago man died when he sliced open his arm while punching the front window of a bar he was being tossed out of this week, officials said
Jonathan Banks, 32, was pronounced dead early Monday in the emergency room of Vista Medical Center East, CBS Chicago reported.
Banks injured himself at a bar on 37800 block of North Sheridan Road in Beach Park, where he got into a verbal altercation with another person and had to be escorted out by security, Lake County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Chief Christopher Covelli told the Lake & McHenry County Scanner.
The man then allegedly used his fist to punch out the window near the bar’s front door, resulting in severe arm lacerations, Covelli said.
Police responded to a call about a male suffering from a major injury around 2 a.m., the Lake County Sheriff’s Office confirmed in a statement.

Banks initially asked a friend to drive him to the hospital, but continued to go in and out of consciousness, the LMCS said.
He was finally taken into an ambulance when he grabbed the wheel of his friend’s car and caused it to strike a curb.
An autopsy performed later on Monday revealed that Banks died of sharp force injuries, Lake County Coroner Jennifer Banek added.