Biden’s broken promise to deliver COVID tests ruined the holidays
The Biden administration’s utter incompetence is the grinch that stole Christmas. This week, thousands of flights were canceled and travel plans botched due to the spread of the highly transmissible Omicron variant and lack of available COVID-19 tests, causing pilots and airport personnel to be unable to do their jobs.
This was an epic failure by Team Biden, causing heartache and suffering for countless Americans who’ve had to stand in line for hours, many in the freezing cold, trying to get their hands on a coronavirus test to travel and see their loved ones this holiday season. How many waited in vain and were turned away? How many fellow Americans have been stranded in airports or had to spend Christmas alone this year due to their flights being delayed or canceled?
And how many parents had to wipe their children’s tears away while breaking the news they won’t be able to spend Christmas with their beloved grandparents and other family members because the inept White House failed to deliver the millions of COVID-19 tests the president promised?
On Sept. 9, the Biden administration pledged it is “committing $2 billion to purchase nearly 300 million rapid tests for distribution to community health centers, food banks and schools, so that every American no matter their income can access free and convenient tests.”
Did the president forget he made that promise? Why couldn’t his administration get the job done in time for the holidays? After two years of the grueling pandemic that has destroyed so many lives — including a generation of masked children who’ve lost years of education and normal development — Americans deserve answers.

Last week, President Joe Biden promised he’ll deliver 500,000 free coronavirus tests to Americans, but when pressed for more details, his administration admitted it hadn’t signed a single contract nor iron out other key logistics. “Mr. Biden’s administration has not yet signed a contract to buy the tests, and the website to order them will not be up until January,” reported The New York Times. Far too late to slow the spread of the Omicron “variant of concern” sweeping the nation and save Christmas and travel plans for millions of Americans.
If only Dr. Anthony Fauci, the White House’s chief medical adviser and head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, spent less time going on TV and more time doing his job curtailing the spread of the virus, more families could have gathered to celebrate Christmas with their loved ones this year. But apparently, running to his next live shot on TV — every darn day — is a higher priority to the infectious-disease “expert” than grandparents getting to hug their grandchildren. Is that too much to ask the celebrity doc who rakes in more than $417,000 a year as the highest-paid government employee?

Apparently so.
And to think Biden had the nerve to criticize the former Trump administration’s handling of the pandemic when his crew had an entire year to procure and distribute COVID-19 tests but dropped the ball. If you’ll recall, in December 2020, President-elect Biden chastised the former administration, saying: “After 10 months of the pandemic, we still don’t have enough testing. That’s a travesty.”
And the year prior, on Oct. 25, 2019, Biden tweeted, “We are not prepared for a pandemic. Trump has rolled back progress President Obama and I made to strengthen global health security. We need leadership that builds public trust, focuses on real threats, and mobilizes the world to stop outbreaks before they reach our shores.”

Now that Democrats have been in charge of the government the past 12 months, how did that pan out? The current administration didn’t stop the Delta or Omicron variants from reaching our shores and spreading like wildfire across America; nor did Team Biden mobilize testing in time for winter, when the administration knew cases would surge due to people spending more time indoors, where the virus spreads more easily, and traveling for the holidays.
What we’re seeing, folks, is an embarrassing lack of leadership in the Democrat-run White House. An incompetency that’s not only botching Americans’ travel plans, hurting families and jeopardizing public health — it’s also harming the US economy.
Every canceled travel itinerary throughout the nation not only wallops the airline industry but also results in hotel and restaurant reservations getting canceled, decimating the hospitality industry that’s been struggling to regain its footing throughout the pandemic. Canceled flights and missed vacations hurt taxi drivers and ride-share companies who lose business, not to mention retail shops, entertainment venues and other mom-and-pop shops trying to stay afloat.

This is something Biden was apparently not thinking about when shopping maskless in swanky Nantucket over Thanksgiving last month while vacationing at his billionaire buddy’s $20 million manse, where his family gathered for the holiday.
The message Democrats are sending is clear: The elites get to spend the holidays with their families, fly on private jets, get access to COVID-19 tests to protect their loved ones and stay in five-star accommodations while we peasants get the shaft.
Come midterms in November, a reckoning is coming. Voters aren’t having it.