Biden met with three of Hunter’s associates in 2011: emails
President Biden and one of his top aides met with three of Hunter Biden’s business associates on the White House campus in the summer of 2011, according to emails reviewed by The Post — further disproving denials that the president ever discussed overseas financial interests with his offspring.
The scandal-struck first son, who claimed in an Arkansas court Monday he is struggling to keep up with his $20,000-per-month child support payments for his out-of-wedlock daughter, set up the get-together in pursuit of an overseas business deal he was told could be worth billions of dollars, the messages show.
The July meeting involved then-Vice President Joe Biden, his deputy chief of staff Alan Hoffman and three business acquaintances — at least one of whom was apparently a foreign national.
The emails show energy executive David Gamperl and two obscure businessmen named Xi Wang and Andre Lasserre coordinated the sit-down after having pitched a lucrative Brazilian bond deal to the first son the prior month.
Through at least two intermediaries — including future CNBC personality Sean Conlon — the upstart trio pitched Hunter on a formal meeting with his father to help Conlon and Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca investment firm “get more bonds to move.”
The email exchanges were first reported by Fox News.

On June 22, 2011, Gamperl emailed Conlon about the “substantial profit” being offered by Nagi Ghawi, president of the now-defunct Mercantile Investment Group of the West Indies.
“Here is the current contract,” Gamperl said in the email. “Proof of funds are in place and we may close this week. It has been a challenge in the management of procedures but I think we have it now. We will make substantial profit on this deal but market is between $230 to $380 million.
“I’m trying to close this bond immediately, as it opens up the flood gates on 29 other bonds that have less hair and much more value. I will also forward you copy of bond and verification from the perito (who is a [Brazilian] government official who inspects the authenticity of the bond). Good stuff and I think we have a real business model here.”

Conlon later forwarded the email to Hunter Biden, saying: “See below. This is why I am putting up with this carnival! We need to put our heads together on this.”
Ghawi then floated a proposal the same day, requesting a meeting with the vice president or his chief of staff “ASAP.”
“I would like to confirm that I accept this letter of engagement based on 7% fees + 3% fees as a bonus if the first structured instrument (LTN) is executed within 60 days,” Ghawi said in another email Conlon later forwarded to Hunter Biden.
“This fee should cover all intermediaries’ fee and any additional fee should come out from this one. We have access through Andre Lasserre connection to at least 10 LTN’s but if we do not perform on the said meeting ASAP, we may not be in a position to have those LTN’s at our disposal.”

“LTN” refers to Brazil’s Letra do Tesouro Nacional (National Treasury Bill)
Hunter then responded to Conlon, “Ok- what do we need to do moving forward?”
“I will discuss,” Conlon said. “I got letter. I need email about event and a promise about meeting next week,” adding later that the stipulation was an agreement for the vice president to “formally meet” with “these guys.”
“So we have engagement letter if they get other 10 bonds they have a face value of 10b,” Conlon said in an email on June 23, 2011. “While it is far fetched Devon [Archer] said he talked to his professor and these get traded. We get 10% in fees. We need to get these guys to an event or something where they get to just formally meet your Dad. For follow on they can talk to Chief of Staff. Let me know how soon we can do that. V[ery] brief. If Nagi gets that done we get more bonds to move.”
In a separate email to Conlon, Gamperl said the value of the deal was immense.

“Sean, the face value is over $21 billion, as each bond is worth over $2.1 billion,” Gamperl said in another email on June 23, 2011. “We can employ a couple of different strategies in generating profits, which would yield revenue of 22% to par of the face value.”
“A joint venture with a potential buyer is one likely methodology to which we would work together with a partner in achieving the highest value over a period of time. The other concept would be to sell a couple of bonds at a high discount and then deploy political capital and invest approximately $2 million per bond to provide full value to the bond,” Gamperl added, noting that the deal would involve “working with the central bank of brazil.”
Conlon forwarded the numbers to Hunter, who balked at the suggestion of a meet-up with his dad and instructed Archer to do the meet and greet.
“WTF is he talking about. Mtg with JRB chief of staff????” Hunter fumed in a reply sent only to his Rosemont Seneca associate, using his dad’s initials.
“I guess. I don’t think he understands how this works. I will advise him to stand down,” Archer answered.

Conlon later clarified to Archer and Hunter that the request would only involve “a 5 min introduction not a meeting in the next week otherwise the guy who flew over from Paris for event in Chicago will not provide the rest of bonds as he is sulking!”
That appeared to have assuaged Hunter, who emailed Archer: “Tell him I’ll do the [meeting].”
Another email exchange on June 23, 2011, shows Conlon still attempting to coordinate the meeting for that same day or the next morning between Lasserre, Wang and the vice president.
“Sorry buddy not a chance in hell either is happening,” Hunter shot back. “Give me more then [sic] hours notice then maybe- but they are in middle of debt ceiling negotiations (I.e. Fate of world economy), defending ‘Biden Afghanistan Policy’ and whatever else. Beyond thy [sic] anyone who enters WH for a meeting has to be vetted by Secret Service and WH legal team which typically takes about one week- longer for a foreign national. I can meet with them myself but the other is not happening.”
The ongoing email chain reveals Hunter eventually met with Gamperl on June 26, 2011, at a grocery store in Long Beach, Calif., and the first son later coordinated a July 3, 2011 White House visit with Hoffman.
“You are cc’d with Alan Hoffman (Dep COS). Please coordinate with him for tomorrow,” Hunter wrote on July 2, 2011, to Gamperl, who shortly after confirmed the meeting with the VP’s chief of staff was happening.
But the meeting the group was really after did not take place for more than three weeks.

White House visitor logs show Gamperl, Wang and Lasserre came to the Old Executive Office Building on July 27, 2011, for a visit that lasted between 5 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
The meeting was also confirmed the following year in an email exchange after a White House intern took notes about a call from someone claiming Hoffman had “met them at the White House last year and he wanted to send you a text with info you needed for the VP.”
A special assistant in the vice president’s office received the intern’s note and then forwarded it to Hoffman.
“This guy just called back – his name is Nagi Ghawi, and he is the assistant for Mr. Andre Lasserre and a Mr. Wang. You and the VP met with them at the White House last year?” Conor McKay wrote in an email to Hoffman on July 30, 2012. “He also said that if you have time while you are in Chicago that you could try to meet in person.”
Hoffman immediately notified Hunter about the phone call. “This is the guy with the magic paper that you had me meet with,” he said. It is not clear to what “magic paper” he was referring.
Ghawi told Fox News Digital that “No business and no transaction was done with Mr. Hunter Biden, nor the VP Biden,” before giving conflicting descriptions of the meeting’s purpose.
“My Role in this matter was a coordinator for the President of the KUNLUN Family Mr. Xi Wang and Mr. Andre Lasserre,” Ghawi told the outlet, labeling the White House visit “a humanitarian meeting.”
The bizarre Kunlun Project to which Ghawi was referring claims to be “a coordination of powers and interests set up to preserve the planet from the ravages caused by human beings and enable the survival of humanity from its own destruction,” according to its website.
Ghawi then said, however, that the meeting had been to request a “decision” of the vice president that he and his associates “never heard back” about.
Biden has repeatedly said he has never spoken with son about the latter’s overseas business dealings, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.