Best times of day to drink coffee to boost energy: sleep doc

Rise and grind — or not.

A sleep expert is sharing the best times to drink coffee so you can be livin’ la vida mocha — and it’s not as early in the day as you might think.

Dr. Deborah Lee, who is working with the UK furniture maker Get Laid Beds, recommends preparing your first cup no earlier than 45 minutes after waking up.

“The cortisol hormone follows a rhythm specific to your own sleeping cycle,” Lee told The Mirror this week. “Elevated levels of cortisol may impact your immune system, and if they’re already at its peak when waking up, drinking coffee as soon as your eyes open may do more harm than good, and may even make you immune to caffeine over a long period of time.”

Cortisol is the body’s main stress hormone — it’s produced by the adrenal glands and released into the bloodstream during times of stress.

Cortisol affects sleep, mood, and energy levels. It also combats inflammation, controls blood pressure, and regulates blood sugar, among other important functions.

Dr. Deborah Lee, who is working with the UK furniture maker Get Laid Beds, recommends drinking your first cup of coffee no earlier than 45 minutes after waking up. digitalskillet1 –

You don’t want too much or too little cortisol — and the level varies throughout the day.

“The best time to drink coffee would typically be to drink mid-to-late morning when your cortisol is a lot lower and you can start to feel that energy slump, but of course not too late in the afternoon as it could affect your sleep,” Lee explained.

A 2010 study found that cortisol levels bottom out around midnight before rising at about 2 to 3 a.m.

They peak around 8:30 a.m. and fall again throughout the day until the 24-hour cycle is complete.

Lee said someone who wakes up around 7 a.m. should wait to savor their first cup until 10 a.m. to noon.

Lee said someone who wakes up around 7 a.m. should wait to savor their first cup until 10 a.m. to noon. Comeback Images –

Coffee is a stimulant that can disrupt sleep patterns, so it’s important to not drink it too late in the day.

Lee advises to cease drinking coffee “at least six hours” before bedtime.

To be safe, she recommends avoiding any caffeine sources after 3 p.m., including coffee, soda, and energy drinks.

“Try switching to herbal teas if you need a hot drink to stay warm, or decaf to trick yourself into thinking you’re getting your caffeine fix,” Lee told The Mirror.

Lee advises to stop drinking coffee “at least six hours” before bedtime. Farknot Architect –

Recent studies have shown that frequent coffee consumption can reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection and developing Parkinson’s disease.

73% of Americans drink coffee every day — and some people, like Ben Affleck, make it their whole personality.