Irish man killed by chicken that also attacked granddaughter

An Irish man was found dead lying in a pool of blood after he was mauled by a vicious chicken, according to reports.

Jasper Kraus, of Killahornia, was killed by a brutal Brahma chicken in April 28, 2022, according to a recent inquest in Ballaghaderreen, the Irish Examiner reported.

Kraus’ daughter Virginia Guinan said in a deposition that he was asleep when she dropped by that day and she didn’t want to wake him because he was in ill health and also upset that his dog had died.

Alerted about the bloodbath later, Guinan rushed back to his home, where she saw paramedics performing CPR on her dad as he lay in a pool of blood.

Chicken attack victim Jasper Kraus
Jasper Kraus, of Killahornia, was found in a pool of blood after being attacked by the Brahma chicken.

A trail led to the chicken house, where she saw one of the birds with blood on its claws and suspected it was the same one that had been sent to live on the farm after it had earlier attacked Kraus granddaughter.

Corey O’Keeffe, a tenant at the home, said he heard Kraus screaming during the attack and saw blood spurting from the man’s leg, as well as a large wound on his calf.

Image of chicken
The chicken, similar to the one above, had previously attacked his granddaughter.
Leon Neal

He called emergency services and was guided to perform CPR after Kraus lost consciousness.

Dr. Annette Jennings said at the inquest that when she arrived, paramedics had taken over CPR and were trying resuscitate Kraus, but he was pronounced dead.

The coroner recorded the dead as one by “misadventure,” though they noted that he also appeared to have a heart attack at the time of the vicious chicken mauling.