Plane passenger ‘humiliates’ his wife after she unsuccessfully demands to move from middle seat

This plane passenger’s seat-swapping scam didn’t pass the smell test.

A man has taken to Reddit to claim a female flier attempted to move out of her middle seat — before her husband “humiliated” her by saying she had diarrhea and needed to be closer to the bathroom.

The anonymous traveler took to the site on Monday to relay the story, saying he had booked a window seat for his flight.

“A couple boarded and the wife sat down in the middle seat with the husband at the aisle,” the man explained. “After settling in, the wife leans over towards me with a sweet smile and says, ‘Would you be a darling and switch seats with me? I really can’t fly well in a middle seat.’”

The man replied to the woman saying that she should swap with her husband if she hated the middle that much.

‘”Oh my husband would never sit in the middle… so maybe you can do a woman a favor and switch?’” the female flier subsequently replied, using her gender in an attempt to weasel out of the assigned spot.

A man has taken to Reddit to claim a female flier attempted to move out of her middle seat — before her husband "humiliated" her by saying she had diarrhea and needed to be closer to the bathroom.
A man has taken to Reddit to claim a female flier attempted to move out of her middle seat — before her husband “humiliated” her by saying she had diarrhea and needed to be closer to the bathroom. Have a nice day –

“I told her that I really apologize but I won’t do it,” the Redditor wrote. “Moments later I hear her yelling at her husband in another language (which I am fluent in) that ‘the jerk won’t switch seats so you got to switch with me.’”

The husband reluctantly ended up moving into the middle seat, before telling the Redditor that the wife had to trade with him “because she has diarrhea and needs the aisle in case she must run.”

However, readers weren’t buying what the devious couple was selling — or smelling.

“After the diarrhea comment, I would have gone ‘So this is why she wanted the window seat?’” one amused — and confused — responder wrote beneath the Redditor’s story.

“They were doing everything in their power to stick you in the middle seat. The least desirable of all,” another replied.

One reader theorized that the man had made up the diarrhea story in a bid to “save face” after his wife’s failed request for a seat swap.

A second claimed the man wanted to “humiliate his wife” by concocting the fake story after she forced him to squeeze into the middle.

"After the diarrhea comment, I would have gone 'So this is why she wanted the window seat?'" one amused — and confused — responder wrote beneath the Redditor's story.
“After the diarrhea comment, I would have gone ‘So this is why she wanted the window seat?’” one amused — and confused — responder wrote beneath the Redditor’s story. tonefotografia –

In the end, the Redditor said got revenge on the couple by letting them know he was fluent in the language that they were using to privately talk about him.

“I wished them a good rest of the day in their language at the end of their flight,” he cheekily wrote in a reply on the comments thread. “The look on her face was priceless.”