Cutout of Jeffrey Epstein appears in stands at UK soccer game

Jeffrey Epstein has popped up in the unlikeliest of places — a soccer game across the pond.

A cardboard cutout of the dead pedophile appeared in the empty stands during Wednesday night’s game between Nottingham Forest and Swansea, BBC News reported.

Supporters have been banned from soccer stadiums during the coronavirus pandemic but have been invited to fill the seats with cardboard cutouts of themselves.

An eagle-eyed fan spotted Epstein at City Ground in Nottingham alongside cutouts of Buzz Lightyear and soccer junkies in red Forest shirts.

A cardboard cutout of Jeffrey Epstein was spotted at Nottingham Forest's City Ground.
A cardboard cutout of Jeffrey Epstein (bottom row, second from right) was spotted at Nottingham Forest’s City Ground.

Cardboard cutouts at a Nottingham Forest game.
Cardboard cutouts at a Nottingham Forest game.
JMS Photography/Shutterstock


The teams, which compete in the EFL league, drew 2-2.

Epstein committed suicide in jail last August weeks after he was arrested on federal sex-trafficking charges. He was long accused of sexually abusing young women and girls for decades.

His alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell — who holds UK citizenship and has an apartment in London — was busted on sex abuse charges in the US earlier this month.

Tennants UK, which has been making the signs for Forest, declined to comment to the BBC.

In another soccer snafu, a photo of Osama bin Laden made its way into the stands at Leeds United’s stadium in June.