Four out of five kids who question their gender ‘grow out of it’: Trans expert

A psychiatrist who has presided over youth gender transition treatments for more than a decade says “four out of five” gender-questioning children eventually accept their bodies if no medical interventions are carried out.

Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala — described as “Finland’s leading expert on pediatric gender medicine and chief psychiatrist at its largest gender clinic” — made the claim in an interview with the liberal newspaper Helsingin Sanomat earlier this week, according to Tablet. The doctor said data from 12 separate studies supported her claim.

Kaltiala’s comments come just days after a “progressive whistleblower” at a St. Louis kids’ gender clinic spoke out against their trans treatments, saying what she witnessed was “morally and medically appalling.”

Last week, the left-leaning New York Times published an op-ed defending J.K. Rowling, who has publicly been accused of transphobia. The paper’s brass also rebuked staff and contributors who accused the newspaper of anti-trans bias in its coverage.

The events show that liberals are not in lockstep when it comes to transgender issues, with some on the left now feeling freer to speak out against what has been described as “trans orthodoxy.”

Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala — described as "the top expert on pediatric gender medicine in Finland" — made the claim in an interview with the liberal newspaper Helsingin Sanomat earlier this week, according to Tablet.
Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala — described as “the top expert on pediatric gender medicine in Finland” — made the claim in an interview with the liberal newspaper Helsingin Sanomat earlier this week, according to Tablet.

Around 42,000 children and teens across the US received a diagnosis of gender dysphoria in 2021 — nearly triple the number in 2017.

The latest statistics from NYC’s Komodo Health Inc.

In her interview, Kaltiala also cautioned parents of gender-questioning children against using their offspring’s preferred pronouns or a new chosen name.

The medical expert insisted such acts weren’t a harmless “formality” and still counted as an intervention that could influence the child.

“It’s a message saying that ‘This is the right path for you,’” the doctor declared.

“The developmental mission of youth is not helped by the fact that young people’s self-expression is supported and directed from the outside,” she further stated. “The environment should also not commit to identity experiments in a way that might make a later change of direction anxiety-inducing.”

Kaltiala also cautioned parents of gender-questioning children against using their offspring's preferred pronouns or a new chosen name.
Kaltiala also cautioned parents of gender-questioning children against using their offspring’s preferred pronouns or a new chosen name.

Meanwhile, Kaltiala also dismissed the idea that gender dysphoric children would be driven to suicide if doctors denied medical intervention.

“It is not justified to tell the parents of young people identifying as transgender that a young person is at risk of suicide without medical treatments and that the danger can be alleviated with gender reassignment,” she stated.

The expert added that the “transition or suicide” dichotomy was “purposeful disinformation, and spreading it is irresponsible.”

In recent weeks there has been public pushback among prominent publications and personalities on the left regarding trans issues, proving there is no liberal orthodoxy on the issue.
In recent weeks there has been public pushback among prominent publications and personalities on the left regarding trans issues, proving there is no liberal orthodoxy on the issue.
Vuk Valcic/SOPA Images/Shutterst

However, Kaltiala did distinguish between youngsters who question their gender in childhood and those who start to experience dysphoria in adolescence. She appeared particularly concerned about the latter group.

According to Helsingin Sanomat, “many young people grab the idea available in the media and social media that their problems are caused by gender identity and will be solved if others start to see them as members of the other sex.”

Kaltiala refuted that idea, declaring: “A balance of mind does not come from making others do and see what you want.”

According to NYC-based Komodo Health, around 42,000 children and teens across the US received a diagnosis of gender dysphoria in 2021 — nearly triple the number in 2017.

Abigail Shrier, author of “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” previously claimed that “peer contagion” may be responsible for the drastic rise in numbers, particularly among teenage girls.

Meanwhile, Kaltiala previously made headlines late last year when she appeared before the Florida Board of Medicine — whose 14 members were appointed by Gov. Ron DeSantis — arguing in favor of restrictions to gender treatments for minors.

The Board subsequently agreed to adopt a new standard of care, outlawing Sunshine State doctors from performing reassignment surgeries on minors or prescribing them with puberty blockers.